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Tue, 2 Oct 2001 21:25:04 -0400
Sharin Alpert <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (48 lines)
I am sorry that Ferretguy's shelter hasn't had many donations lately -
i've read about how much he does and can only imagine how much it costs.
I'm sorry to hear he is hurting for money.
But I am way way way sorrier that his post reminding us that his shelter
needs help had to begin with a hateful comment about Muslims.  Now, I know
the fml is not a forum for politics - so I will not share my own feelings
or assumptions about September 11, or the many other political and
religious (and grammatical) subjects that leapt to mind after reading
what Ferretguy wrote.
But I have to say this: I am sorry this statement appeared in the fml, and
I want to apologize to any Muslim readers.  (And to anyone else who, like
me, feels kicked in the stomach when reading words of hate.) You shouldn't
have had to confront that statement while trying to find veterinary
advice, relax with cute pet stories, or catch up with old ferret friends.
[Moderator's note: I also agree that many political statements aren't
appropriate on a list such as this one.  In fact, we just had a similar
instance a week or two back and I probably should NOT have let that one
through then.  This one, however, I feel differently about.
It's not too clear where to draw the line: If a post is clearly a politial
rant with very little ferret info then by all means it should not appear.
If the post is otherwise ferret-related but it has an odd comment thrown
in which happens to express a political opinion, I usually let it through.
Likewise, personal signature lines I usually let through regardless of how
weird they are as long as they are not so long that they themselves are
the primary message!
Certainly people are entitled to their beliefs -- in fact, we all learn
that way.  I don't think we should spend time weeding through every post
looking for possible political meanings, however.  Should I reject a post
because someone exclaims "Oh God!"?  Or because someone makes a statement
about the Canadian currency exchange rate?
Again, I need to decide the primary agenda of the poster.  And, to me,
Ferretguy's political statement was not the point of his post.  On the
other hand, it did come close to being rejected simply because of it's
offensive nature -- it's not always an easy decision.
So, yes, please do tell me if you feel I erred -- I may or may not agree,
but you all should keep me on my toes!  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3559]