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Wed, 26 Sep 2001 15:46:05 -0500
The Morris Family <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
31\2 years ago I heard that there was a ferret at the pound - I couldn't
sleep that night and the next day I went to the pound to see for myself -
The pound workers pointed to a cage as they said "You like them things ??!!
They stink!!" I looked in the cat cage and there in the corner I saw the
biggest, skinniest, ferret I had ever seen - He was so sad looking I wanted
to cry but I was too mad - The pound worker was still talking about how
nasty ferrets were - I didn't answer her just took the poor boy up front,
paid $50.00 and took him home - I really thought I was probably taking him
home to die but at least he would die in a home not a dark cold cage -
On the way home him licked me, then bit the crud out of me, then went to
sleep on my lap -
We named him Slim Shady - When we got home he started eating everything in
site....ferret food, dog food, what ever - He never stoppped eating and
within 3 months we had to change his name to Fatboy Slim - He was HUGE
almost 3 x's bigger than any of the full grown MF ferrets I had come in
contact with - No tattoos on him - Not much personality - I would feel a
couple of licks on my ankle and then a bite - I would look down to find
him looking up at me with wide happy eyes - I couldn't get mad - He didn't
know how to play and he thought it was funny so I just learned to pick my
foot up as soon as I felt a lick -
He was very gentle with the other kids - He was a gentle, loving, father
figure for my babies Junior and Joey - He went to the hopital with Sally
everytime she had to have surgery - He gave us all so much -
A few months ago he started getting slower and much fatter - The vet said
he was very old and his heart didnt sound good so for the past month I
have know time was short - Tuesday it was obvious his breathing was
getting more labored - I knew the time had come - I fixed him a last meal
of turkey babyfood with broth - He lick up every last bit - I took him to
the vet and held & loved him while he drifted off and away -
Sandy please watch out for my big boy - And please help him find Stinky,
Junior and Sally - I know they will be so glad to see him - He's a great
snuggle buddy !!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Slim, for the time you spent with us and the life lessons you
taught us -
Mindy, Joey and Lucy
[Posted in FML issue 3553]