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Thu, 30 Aug 2001 20:29:00 EDT
Yvonne Leslie <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (20 lines)
Just thuoght I would warn everyone to be careful about what you might
"train" your ferrets to do!  I visit my son's two sweeties several days at
lunchtime & bring them out to play with my 5 about once a week.  They will
cuddle on the sofa while I take a lunch break.  Last week they both jumped
down on mission,(I thought to potty since they were in a hurry!).  They
both got in the pet carrier & lay down looking at me expectantly!!  I
guess they were ready for their road trip!LOL I had to go back to work but
of course I made it up to them later!!
I had posted before about Scamper's lymphoma.  He finished chemo & so far
is doing great.  He goes for a three month check up in Sept.  He dances &
plays like a 2 month old instead of a 2 year old.  LOL It was worth it all
to see that again!!  Thanks for your prayers & well wishes.
Hugs to all the fuzzies & prayers for the sick & missing ones
Yvonne & Scamper,Wolfie,Rocket,Bulldog,Angel & the 2 travelers Rascal &
[Posted in FML issue 3526]