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Heidi Lepak <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 20 Dec 2001 09:54:25 -0500
text/plain (36 lines)
I moved last year from Puerto Rico to Florida.  Ferrets are considered
exotics on the island and are not allowed unless you have permission of
the Natural Resources Dept.  They used to sell ferrets back in the mid
1980's but they then stopped and ferrets were considered illegal.  People
did "sneak" into the island over the years with them and that's how we
adopted a few.  There are no ferret vets so forget about adrenal surgery
or anything else considered minor in the states.
We had been wanting to move for a few years, but were afraid that out
ferrets might be confiscated at the airport, which had been done before.
In 1999 amnesty was given for all exotics on the island.  We applied for
it and with these papers we were allowed to leave the island with out 2
ferrets.  It did NOT mean that we could return with them though.
I still have a friend who has a ferret in Puerto Rico.  She has come up
to the states to try and adopt another or buy one, but then is so afraid
it will be "found out" at the airport and she might loose it.  Especially
now with more stringent inspections.
I've know people who had their ferret under their shirt sleeping as they
came in.  Another friend had hers in a show bow wrapped as a Christmas
present in her carry-on.  Another taped a show box with 2 babies to the
back of the dog kennel with dog they were bringing in.  I don't guarantee
any of these ways though.
I'd suggest you really think seriously before taking a ferret to Puerto
Rico.  It can be too hot at times for a ferret also, unless you have air
If you have any other questions and I can be of help, please e-mail me
personally.... [log in to unmask]
Come see our ferrets...
[Posted in FML issue 3638]