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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 0107 13063 19 36_they don't stay in the cage together8_Chun [log in to unmask], 9 Jul 2001 13:07:25 -0700557_- I had posted few weeks ago about my new male ferret fighting with my old
female ferret, the old one is about 15 months old and the new one is about
3 months old...anyways whenever I put them in the old ferret's cage(where
I hope to put both together), they will fight, non-stop. I let them out
everyday and they will chase around my apt. I am not sure if they are
fighting or not, but sometimes they seem to enjoy "playing" with each
other, they will chase all over. but sometimes I do see aggressiveness
and i have to [...]39_9Jul200113:07:[log in to unmask] 0107 13083 28 18_New Ferret Website11_Emily [log in to unmask], 12 Jul 2001 17:50:18 EDT595_- Hello to all the fuzzies and their humans! I'm still trying to get out of
"lurker mode" and post more often (not that the list is exactly lacking in
that department).

I just figured I'd let ya know that there is yet another place on the web
to see some fuzzy faces. My sister maintains the website for our friend
and college radio personality Big Joe, and with a begging I got her to
put up a bunch of ferret stuff. If you go here
---> http://www.geocities.com/bigjoewildman/home.html ----
you can now find a new comic starring Joe and his ferret [...]38_12Jul200117:50:[log in to unmask] 0107 13112 15 26_Catherine Garcia's [log in to unmask], 12 Jul 2001 22:21:54 -0500342_- Hi All,

I just wanted to let everyone know about Catherine's Website, and that she
is running in the Blurry Furry's top website contest. Plus, you can check
out a great picture of The Late Great Hubert floating on his raft taking a


[Posted in FML issue 3477]41_12Jul200122:21:[log in to unmask] 0107 13128 11 27_Re: Wet weasel on the loose9_Amy [log in to unmask], 12 Jul 2001 23:30:19 EDT226_- >At this moment I am forced to consider the fact that they may even be
>smarter than me. (

YES THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!! And thankfully you got her back okay.

Amy and the boys
[Posted in FML issue 3477]38_12Jul200123:30:[log in to unmask] 0107 13140 42 10_we are new23_Robert & Pheobe [log in to unmask], 12 Jul 2001 14:29:52 -0700325_- I just wanted to say Hi to everyone and thank you for the wealth of
information I have learned from your daily posts.

We just got 3 ferrets about 2 weeks ago. Someone was advertising them
for sale in our local paper. When we went to look at them I new there
was no way I would walk away with out them. [...]39_12Jul200114:29:[log in to unmask] 0107 13183 36 30_Sean and Rocky: the philosophy13_Rebecca [log in to unmask], 12 Jul 2001 10:35:00 EDT473_- Mom do you think she [my girl ferret] knows she's a ferret?

Yah.........I think so......... uhhhhh I don't know.

Do you think Pong knows?

Yah I think he does.

Do you think Rocky knows?


Why do think he doesn't know?

Because he see's me standing on two f
Thu, 12 Jul 2001 16:59:13 EDT
text/plain (13 lines)
I'm not sure what the cage I have is called or who makes it but I had a
problem with my little girl getting out.  On the top of the cage in all
four corners my baby girl would squeeze her way through.  The other two
never tried it.  She would only do it when I would walk over to the cage
to take them out.  I guess she just couldn't wait to get kissies from her
Momma!  lol What my Hubby did was just bend the bars so that it made the
spaces smaller.  Now Yoshi can't squeeze her way through any longer!  No
more worries!
[Posted in FML issue 3477]