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Mon, 25 Mar 2002 10:45:17 EST
text/plain (57 lines)
Yahoo!!!!!!!  Ferrets of the future!!!  Look at the Doris Day Animal
League on line and look under recent upcoming legislation for Nebraska.LB
82 Felony Provisions.  Two ammendments to this bill will increase
penalties AND allow the animals to be removed and adopted.  We could have
used this in Utah.
Want to have letters to help ferrets and other animals all written out for
you to your representative and sent for you?  Or make up your own and have
the foundation e-mail them for you?  Easy.  Go to The Doris Day Animal
League online and feast your eyes on all that you can do in the comfort of
your home in minutes to help save animals from pain, improve current laws,
and create new ones to protect our helpless little ones.
Modern Ferret: I opened up e-mail and found 4 rote letters.  After not
receiving a magazine when due for 4 months, I then patiently wrote for 3
more months-all the while still not receiving a magazine, and just got 4
automated responses that had nothing to do with my questions concerning
the magazine subscription, which should have been easily looked up on
I spent hours of my Friday and Sat.  evening returning calls from clients,
and over 6 on Sunday writing repsonses to questions people had that are
out of town.It hurts to sit or walk in both legs.  I relapsed, apparently,
from the stress and exhaustion of the show last week.  I work full time,
have an indoor and outdoor zoo to care for, shelters who need my support,
and am now the main caregiver of my 84 year old mother.
I have a fever of almost 100, and have sweat trickling down my face as I
write this, with that burning up feeling in my face.  I am caring for two
neighbors animals-one in the hospital, the other on vacation, and still
have a friend in the hospital with depression who now has pneumonia.  But
it does not matter.  I have a responsibility to the people who paid for
product and service.  I can hire someone temporarily at minimum wage to do
clerical things for a month or two.  I can turn away new business for now
if I cannot be fair to the business I currently have.  I have choices.
I pray that it would NEVER happen in my personal or business life that I
would write or e-mail or web page to people that I would not respond to
their legitimate concerns unless there was something in it for me--like a
millions dollars, or cover of Time.
My mind plays the tune of Bring Back That Loving Feeling.  Now it's gone,
gone, gone.  Is there a new message up today?  It was NOT there Sat.
Everyone has their limit.  It is different for us all.For those of you who
wrote me?  I cannot help it.  I HAVE lost that feeling.  I do not expect
or ask that a single other person try and feel that way just because I do.
But -yes-I got the rote letter after reading the glib web page remarks
and waiting patiently for OVER half a year for an issue.  I recieved it
literally hours after sending in what I wrote to the FML.  It answered
I am sorry that I can't feel differently about this.  I truly, truly am.
There are a number of people who know these guys.  It is probably much
different for you.
[Posted in FML issue 3733]