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Sat, 9 Mar 2002 04:03:34 -0500
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I am so behind on my fml's it's not funny.  I started reading them all
today and I am not even through all of February's yet.  I was having
horrible problems with my webtv and I wasn't able to access my email for
a while.
Anyways, I wanted to comment on the Ferret Frolic that was in Hadley, MA
on Feb.23rd.  My husband and I went and we brought our 2 ferrets, Jenna
and Amber.  We had never been to anything like this before.  We had a
great time!  Thanks so much to NEFFER for putting this event on.  We
entered Jenna and Amber in all of the contests.  Jenna won 2nd place for
first out of the paper bag, 3rd place for ferret bowling, and 3rd place
for the duck snoop race.  Amber won 2nd place for coolest markings,
because she has a mask that attaches to her forehead coloring.  The event
was so much fun!  There were some great vendors there, too.  Many
beautiful items.  All I can say is if you have the opportunity to go to
a ferret frolic anywhere and you have never been, you should go.  It is
great to meet other people who have a passion for ferrets.  It's great to
see other people's ferrets, too.  Some of them were HUGE!  I hope my
ferrets live for a long, long time so we can go again!  (they are 4 1/2
and 5 1/2).
Ok, now for the questions.  First, my vet seems to think that the food I
am feeding them (Zupreem) is too high in protein, especially for their
age.  They are very gassy when they poop, and their stools are slightly
softer than they should be, but stool testing proved negative for any
problems and their exams came back as clean bills of health.  I know that
they do not like Totally Ferret, but I was wondering if I should try the
Totally Ferret for older ferrets.  Does anyone think there might be a
difference in taste where they might like it?  Or does anyone know of a
different food that is still good for ferrets but has less protein than
Zupreem (40%).  I used to feed 8-in-1 Ultimate, and they really liked it,
but the food kept getting lodged in Jenna's palate which really stressed
her out when it happened.
My second question is an out of curiosity thing (please no flames, I am
really just curious).  I know that one should never, ever declaw a ferret,
and I never would, but I was going through a Jeffers catalog and saw that
they have nail caps for cats.  Has anyone ever tried them on a ferret?
According to the catalog, they are ok for cats if ingested.  Like I said,
just curious.
And I also wanted to let Alexandria know that I think you have the
greatest posts!  I love to read your stories about Switch and Sabrina
the Bat-biter.  You have a way with words.
My thoughts and prayers go out to all with sick or lost fuzzies, and to
those who have had their fuzzies cross the bridge.
Kelly White
Southampton, Massachusetts
[Posted in FML issue 3716]