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Thu, 7 Feb 2002 18:08:53 EST
Kim Wolf <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (77 lines)
One of my 11 week old kits was put on a flight to Reno this morning for a
most excellent adventure.  She is in a pressurized, climate controlled
cargo hold.  Her adventures began yesterday at the vet though, when she
went for her health certificate.  She was a very good girl, though she is
usually a feisty little thing.  She played in my hair, crawled in my coat,
and didn't even break the skin when she mouthed in play!  Made me real
proud.  She didn't bite the vet, wanted to jump off the exam table (that's
my Kamikaze Kid!) and did very well.  With a clean bill of health, we went
home to have a last visit with her furry Mom.
I fetched up her flying carrier, attached 2 big live animal signs, used
cable ties (I call them zip ties <G>) to firmly attach her food bowl,
litter box, and water bottle to the inside, and then put in her hammy she
used yesterday which will smell like home for her, and her new pocket
sleeper (the sacks with the top slit opening instead of the side) that I
made her, and her rattle ball, baby keys, and crinkle stuffy.  She spent
the night upstairs with Fidget and Dragon, away from all her siblings, but
with two of her favorite playmates.  I went to bed early, around 10:15.
5 am comes WAY too early, but, I was awake at 4:43 am which is worse,
cause I woke up and couldn't sleep.  She had to be on the 6:15 am flight
to Houston, TX where she was to make a connection to her Reno flight.  So,
I fetched Stinky Pinky out and gave her big cuddles.  She wiggled wanting
down, hopped into the litter box and made a poo!  What a big girl!  I
picked her up and we talked about what was to happen, and she gave me LOTS
of kisses, which, she normally graces me only with 1 or 2, not the 20 or
so licks I got this morning.  She seemed to be comforting me of all
things, as if to say "Gee Ma, it's sure been swell living here.T'anks for
all da grub, toys, an' sleepin' stuff, I should be real comfy in there,
and not get too bored.  Don't be sad, I'm a big girl now, an' dis should
be a MOST excellent adventure, Ma!  Maybe I will stop off at da casinos
an' send home some of my winnings.  Heck, Maybe I'll keep going an' head
up to see da Olympics!  I could slide down da big Chute for da toboggan
races, like an otter on my belly!  Wouldn't dat be fun?!  Hey Ma, I love
ya, but I really gotta go or we will miss my flight.  Don't forget to pack
my skis.....Oh, an' do you got any quarters?"
So, I stuck her in the carrier loaded down with goodies, zip tied the door
so it couldn't open by accident and lose my little baby.  (did I mention
she was always my favorite in the litter?) and we drove off to the
airport.  She was very nonchalant when the attendant petted her thru the
bars of her carrier (and didn't bite!) and waved bye-bye through the bars
as they carried her off to the plane (I swear!) and blew me more kisses.
Right about now, Pinkie is probably close to Texas, if not already there.
Though I have made this story humorous (and maybe stretched things a
LITTLE) it is only to cover my worries about my baby girl.  Yes, I cried
a little as I watched her plane take off, just a little as I drove home.
It's a long way for her to go, all alone in the big world, and though I
can't think of anything more I could have done to prepare her and keep her
comfy and safe, I worry.  I can't wait to get the call from her new
parents telling me she is okay.  Everyone keep her in your thoughts, if
you would please!  My baby is out there somewhere, having the time of her
life, I'm sure.  I know she is thinking" SEE MA!  An' you always told me
ferrets don't fly!  WHEE!"
Thanks to all who sent good thoughts for Pinky's safe travel.  Her new
owner called and the first thing he said was she made it!  then "She's
beautiful!" They love her already, and she was introduced to one of their
other ferrets (they have a few) and there were no problems.  They'll be
intro-ing her to the rest of the gang a little at a time.  He said she
grabbed his finger when he pet her thru the bars of the door, but did not
try to break the skin or hurt him.  I think she was just shaking his hand,
ferret style, and saying "Pleased ta meetcha!"
So, I can eat at last, my baby is safely ensconced in her new home, and
has already wrapped them around her little paw.
Atta Girl.
Kim Wolf
Mystyx Samoyeds, Ferrets and Rescue
of Galloway, Ohio
[Posted in FML issue 3687]