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Sat, 19 Jan 2002 13:34:12 -0600
Universal Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (70 lines)
My vet had told me that there was really nothing that could be done for
Nova and the tumor that was growing on his shoulder except to let him
live whatever time he had left being loved and not in any pain.  If he
was to be operated on, due to his age and also the fact that these types
of tumors come back with a vengeance, it was a matter of quality time vs.
quantity.  I choose quality.  Nova came to me 3 years ago from a couple
who had decided they no longer wanted him.  The woman loved him dearly
but her husband was the one that made the decisions in the family and he
wanted Nova's cage to raise birds in.  I thought that a rather odd remark
but kept quiet because I wanted him.  He was brought to me the next
When I first saw him he was so scared.  He had never been around any other
ferrets and my guess was he was around 5 or 6 years old.  The couple did
not know as they were his 3rd set of owners.  The lady gave him a kiss
along with 2 sleepers that had her scent on them.  They left and I cuddled
him close to me and talked to him.  He was so loveable and would lay on my
lap and let me pet away to my hearts content.  He was my first ever cuddle
bunny.  I gave him a nice cage to live in all to himself and placed it in
my bedroom.  Ever day I would let him out to venture around and take in
all the new scents and scenery.  He was loving it all and stopped shaking
so hard like he did on his arrival.  When I introduced him to the 'gang'
they did their usual sniffing and checking out the new guy routine and
Nova would have no part of it.  He came running to me to be picked up and
he actually had tears in his eyes.  So I kept him to myself and spoiled h
im rotten.  He would take naps with me and none of my other guys ever did
that!  He would take his baths with no problems at all.  He was THE
perfect fuzzbutt.
Little by little I would put him with the other furballs and the day
finally came when he interacted with them in a dooky ferrety way.  Then
came his first weasel war dance ever and I was so elated!  Nova was a
part of us now.  2 and a half years after I got him I noticed a small
growth on his upper right shoulder and took him to see the vet.  She did
an aspiration and a few X-Rays and determined that we should wait and
see what happened.  She explained that this sort of thing can actually
get worse if operated on and sometimes it was better to let the ferret
actually 'tell' you when he was in pain which Nova showed no signs of.
There was also the possibility of him loosing his entire leg and then he
would have that to deal with and the possibility of more surgeries if this
thing spread.  So I made the decision to let him have quality time with us
all and watch his progress.  He was in excellent spirits and slowly the
growth grew.  I spent a lot of time with him in the last few months of his
life.  I took him outside with me to see the horses and smell the fresh
air.  I took naps with him cuddled up next to me on my bed.  I gave him
treats and loved him as much as I could.  I would wonder to myself if I
had made the right decision by declining surgery but in my heart I knew I
did what was best for him.  Why let a creature whether human or animal
suffer just to give them a little more time on earth?  Let him have his
time in good health and when the pain started and became noticeable I
would help him go 'gently into the night'.  I would let him decide.  I
would listen to him.  Last night he decided his time had come and went
peaceably.  I grieve his loss.
Sometimes it is really hard to make a call on these matters.  Sometimes
you can hear many different opinions and even hostility at what you decide
on.  I believe in listening to the ferret and seeing what he says.  Nova
talked to me in his own way and I listened.  I loved him as much as I
could and still do.  The Rainbow Bridge has received another little angel
who awaits me someday.  Give your ferrets all the love you can.  They are
here but for a short time.</P>
Diane and My 14 Furkids Missing:
Count Ibili
[Posted in FML issue 3668]