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Fri, 14 Dec 2001 23:04:33 EST
text/plain (72 lines)
I never thought the day would come for this.  This may take a day or 2,
maybe even a week to complete, because I need to tell you all something.
On Tuesday afternoon, while I was at work.  That is where it starts.  I
had gotten back from lunch where everything was fine.  I had an instant
feeling of a problem.  Scooter, was having a problem and I needed to get
home to him.
I called the vet, and asked them if I could bring him in.  Yes at 5.  I
called my boss crying and told her I had to leave.  I left and flew home.
I got in and the vets office had called and asked if I wanted to bring him
in earlier, like around 4, so I agreed.  I got to the room, and he was
struggling for breathe.  I swooped him up and we left.  He laid in his
sleepy sack all the way to the office, with me crying.  I new the
inevitable was here.
I called a friend on the way and told him to meet us there.  He did.  We
got there and went into the room, and the dr.  came in.  She said he isnt
doing any better is he.  He had lost 1 lb in a week, and could barely
breathe.  As heart wrenching as it was I decided it was time, as he
wouldnt give up without help.  I cried and the dr left the room for
awhile.  I didnt really need time, as it just prolonged his suffering
even more, but she was great.
At 5:30 Tuesday night I had to help my best friend to the bridge.  Scooter
was 11, and his brother Gonzo had passed a few months ago.  Scooter was
everything to me.  If I could take him with me, he would go.  Anywhere.
In the car, he would sit in my lap in his bag and just watch.  We had a
joke that he was driving me around.  I made him his own drivers license
that now just sits in my car by itself.  I put his little baseball cap on
my ferret beanie baby who sits on my dash.  We had our own song that we
always listened to in the car.  He would look at the cats at his Aunt
Rosemaries house and play in the grass.
He was the most sweetest thing you could have ever meet, and known.
Everyone loved scooter.  He got his christmas wish from his santa kitty,
and that was a carry sack, and he loved it, after he figured out that he
still got to ride in my lap.  Now it hangs on the door waiting for me to
fill it again.
I have cried about him for days and I will keep crying because my heart is
broken.  All of my other babies are trying to fill his shoes now.  This
one gives kisses, this one licks my arm, this one chomps my ankle, and I
even had another baby out friving last night.  I will never have anotehr
scooter, and I dont want another.  All of my babies have thier own things
that makes me love them in my own way, and that will never change.  This
was the hardest by far though.
I still listen to our song while driving and I always will, and I will
always miss those sweet kisses that he gave so many of.
Please scooter, if you read this, please remember that I will never let
your spirit be alone.  You will always be remembered by those who loved
you so much.  Tillis sends some kisses, but he says not many, that you
would understand.  I send your penguin with you, so dont lose him.  Aunt
Rose cried when I told her you took him with you.
What will I do without you scooterman?  Go on living I guess, and
hopefully soon we will all be together again.  I hope you met up with
your pals.  Gonzo, cinnie, tango, tango, and Cash.  I am sure they were
all so happy to see you again.
I will always love you baby, but please be happy and healthy and get your
feet wet in the grass.
Love, Mommy, roxie,sammy,sammie,delilah,samantha,bacall,simone,chyna,
mickey,quasi,stella, and tillis.
Oh mommy is also babysitting again, and they send their love to,
mozzie,bandit,buddy, and salem.  You remember them sillies.
[Posted in FML issue 3632]