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Print Reply
Mon, 10 Dec 2001 11:54:34 -0500
"Voorhees, Bruce" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
Please look at the web-sites that advertise "Noni Juice".  You can replace
"Noni Juice" with any of the other products that where part of schemes in
the past.  The web sites just "smell bad".
Whether or not something works can not be determined by a non-controlled
anecdotal experience.  Remember that if you take 100 people with severe
headaches and give them a sugar pill advertised to be a new "wonder cure"
about 20 of them will say that their headaches where cured by the miracle
drug.  Test to determine efficacy require large testing samples and a
double blind methodology.
I discussed sugar types with my daughter who is a Doctor.  Her statement
was "a sugar is a sugar".  Numerous scientific studies have shown that the
sugar in honey is no-different that processed sugar.  I would expect that
same would be true of "Noni Juice".
Normally I try not to comment about the latest quack remedy.  If a person
wants to waste money that is their choice.  However, we already feed
ferrets a diet much higher in sugar than they encounter in nature.  All
dry ferret foods have carbohydrates.  Carbohydrates break down in to
sugar.  Our ferrets get too much sugar without "Noni Juice".
Bruce R. Voorhees
Staff  Engineer
Legato  Systems Inc.
895 Central Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-1961
(513)579-0455 ext. 231
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 3628]