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Thu, 22 Nov 2001 08:31:38 -0500
katharine <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
Why do people feel the need to apologize for having MF ferrets?  Why do
people let others on the List intimidate them into apologizing?  How
incredibly rude!!  Owning a MF ferret is nothing to be ashamed of.  Don't
let troublemakers make you doubt your decision to own a MF ferret.  Don't
EVER apologize.  It is your personal decision.  Some may disagree with
some of their business practices but no one has the right to question
your decision to own a MF ferret.  If you've been around the ferret world
for any length of time, you've heard it over and over adnauseum.  Make
your own decisions.
If it weren't for MF, I probably would have never been introduced to the
wonderful world of ferrets.  I have bought several in the past.  All of
mine now are rescues.  I have seven ferrets, and five of them are from MF,
all rescues.  I love all of them unconditionally and certainly don't think
they are inferior in any way.  They are all as sweet as can be and accept
newcomers without question.  I know when I see those tattoos that they
will integrate into my group.  I have seen no greater incidence of illness
or disease and many others have said the same thing.
The people who can't let it go seem to need a cause in their lives.  This
happens to be what they have chosen.  If their goal is to have people
apologizing for owning their ferrets, they have accomplished that.
Let it go.  There is tons of stuff in the archives.  Read to your hearts'
content and then make your own decision.
[Posted in FML issue 3610]