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Thu, 1 Nov 2001 11:17:25 -0800
Danielle Frye <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (107 lines)
I just finished reading the FML today, and as usual, found Troy Lynn's
post to be excellent and I agree with everything she stated.  Ferrets are
sometimes difficult but they are just responding to how they have been
trained, treated, etc...just as humans do.  Great examples Troy Lynn gave.
As far as anonymous posting goes, my understanding is that the only reason
for anonymity is to protect those posters who live in "illegal" areas.
Has there been a change in this?  Please correct me if my assumptions are
Here is what concerns me.  Someone could come on the FML, post something
that might lead someone else to believe that there is animal-abuse going
on, and then nobody can report it to the authorities.  That bothers me.
Yes, I understand BIG's worries over releasing the identity of an
anonymous poster and any "legalities", but how would BIG feel if the
animals (or children) were being abused and the abuse lead to death?
Then, I ask, who would feel responsible when it could have all been
prevented?  I bring this up as a hypothetical situation that could happen
(or perhaps is happening).  That is not a weight I would want to be
burdened with.  Furthermore, people have been allowed to post about
neglect cases they believe are going on (such as Utah) and BIG has
allowed the person's name to be revealed, etc...
Fortunately, it resulted in many ferret's lives being saved.  Thank you
to those who went the distance on it.  As far as I can recall, the Utah
situation was discovered by accident, thanks to a few who revealed what
was going on.  This is how ferrets are saved from a life of abuse and
I truly feel that all posts should have identities attached and that the
ONLY people who can use "anonymous" are those who are in areas where
ferrets are illegal.  If you decide to post something you know is going
to bring "heat" from others, that was your decision and you should accept
the responsibility.  No, I don't enjoy getting sick, profane emails in
response to a civil post, but I accept that I am the one who posted the
"controversial" material to begin with.  It is too bad that people cannot
communicate without profanity and threats, but you have to take the good
with the bad and accept that they may be uneducated or just very hateful
and angry people.
Furthermore, someone who complains about being flamed with profane
language, threats of physical violence and so forth on the FML, then has
the audacity to turn around and do the exact same thing they have
complained about?  I am referring to the email I recd privately from Anne
O (I will provide it to whoever requests it, privately) since BIG would
not allow me to post it on the FML (due to the fact that "private"
exchanges are not "public" domain without the sender's permission and I
doubt this person would appreciate all of you seeing what disgusting
things she wrote).  Due to this email, I am even more concerned about the
animals in this person's care.  You would be too, if you saw the email I
recd.  Again, if anyone else wants to take a look, I am happy to forward
it along with headers.
I would like BIG to address the "rules" and guidelines for posting
anonymously.  I could probably have done the same with this post?  I am
not worried about revealing my identity because I know how my ferrets are
cared for and loved, therefore I have nothing to hide.
[Moderator's note: Anonymous posting is not only for those living where
ferrets are illegal -- there are frequently other circumstances where it
makes sense.  For example, there can be situations some find embarrassing
(real examples: ferret's stealing condoms; or accidently hurting ferret),
or there are posters who are famous who don't wish their e-mail addresses
made public, or people who post information which needs to be told but
which doesn't require a direct response.  In fact, there were dozens of
reasons over the years where anonymous posts have been deemed appropriate.
Some would surprise you and I'm sure you'd agree with the decision... but
no, I don't have all night to make a list.
Of course, some may not agree with every reason, and, in fact, I've been
a lot more selective lately when approving anonymous posts.  Quite often
there is correspondence prior to the post to determine why a post which
was submitted "anonymously" really needs to be anonymous.
A few things to remember:
Firstly, *I* know who the anonymous posters are.  Anonymous posts are
accepted only from subscribers with valid e-mail addresses.  If it's
necessary to follow up directly with the real poster I do that, and I
forward replies on request.  (I typically delete the address of the
anonymous poster from my records after a couple of weeks so they do
eventually become really anonymous, but not before we've all had a
chance to comment.)
To me, it's much preferable to have a subscriber post anonymously than
for someone to pick up a "throw away" Hotmail (etc.) account, post, and
then close the account the next day.  At least I know how to reach the
anonymous poster.
As for: "Someone could come on the FML, post something that might lead
someone else to believe that there is animal-abuse going on, and then
nobody can report it to the authorities": well, you've just made a good
case for anonymous posts.  People posting here are asking for help, not
punishment.  If there are circumstances where you think there's more
behind an anonymous post you can make your views known -- the identity
of the poster is not relevant.  If it is obvious that the poster must
be contacted I do so.  (But, for example, I didn't feel the note your
forwarded to me was particularly nasty -- knowing the people behind the
posts helps.)
Bottom line though: anonymous or not, if people want to post and hide
they will find a way to do so.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3589]