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Fri, 26 Oct 2001 17:01:04 -0500
Kim Schilling <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (106 lines)
As I previously mentioned, I run a shelter and educational facility.  We
house over 45 species of exotic, wild and domestic animals.  That comes to
over 100 animals from birds and bunnies to alligators and cougars.  (and
of course, ferrets).  Most are permanent residents.  The reaction from
those who have never seen our place is complete astonishment, with a hint
of disgust.  I get lots of "OMG, it must stink to high heaven" comments,
as well as "Your husband must be a saint" comments.  <sigh>.  That latter
one makes my blood boil.  When people visit for the first time, most are
amazed.  We keep a modest place, but people still are in awe of the set-up
we've established.  Then I get a lot of "If we didn't see them, we'd NEVER
know you had this many animals!" Bottom line is that we work our butts off
to not smell and look like a zoo.  We have our days when it doesn't work
out that way, but that's the nature of having animals - and THAT'S when
unexpected visitors show.  hehehe.  When I get home from working a
full-time job, I start my other full-time job - caring for the animals.
I'm one of those women who was told I'd never be able to have a child.
And history has proven that time and again........until recently, that is.
And I really had already come to terms with that fact.  I'm now just over
6 months pregnant.  Can you all imagine the comments and questions I'm
getting now?  And some of them are coming from within my own cluttered
head.  From friends, family and strangers, I hear a lot of "You're gonna
have to get rid of all those animals once the baby comes." Damn, is there
something these people know that I don't?  And everyone, including myself,
asks "How the hell are you gonna do all this???" I'm exhausted at the end
of every day!  Naturally, I joke about how fast human babies outgrow 20
gallon tanks......and that he had better learn right quick how to drink
out of a milk-filled water bottle AND roll into the litter box to "go".
Inside I'm scared to death.
There has been a recent discussion, albeit very limited, on advice to
those who have ferrets and are about to have a baby.  Is there anyone out
there who has had a zoo and sanely raised a human child?  I'd like to hear
from that person!  Really, I would.  Many people give up pets because of
a new baby in the house.  It doesn't have to be that way!!  That makes
me crazy!!  To me it's one of the lamest excuses out there, but that's
because I have a higher tolerance and limit, I think......I hope.......
I pray...... I'm also told that "everything changes the minute you give
birth....all your old priorities slip away and this child becomes your
only concern." Please.  Does it have to be that way?  Am I going to
undergo some sort of involuntary metamorphasis that makes me one of
"THOSE" people?  Tell me it ain't so!  My biggest fear now is not how the
animals will impact the baby, but how the baby will impact the animals.
Does that make me strange?  Are my priorities screwed up?  OMG, am I going
to give birth to one of those kids that goes into anaphylactic shock at
the sight of a dog?  I swear I'll give this kid allergy shots myself!
Folks, I am worried.  Can I have my cake and eat it too?
Everyone is telling me I CAN'T have this baby and continue doing what I'm
doing.  Can they be right?  I look at it this way.  Most people are amazed
and in awe of the fact that I can successfully manage and care for 100
animals.  They told me I couldn't do THIS and work full-time too.  But I
am doing it.  Is it possible that I can throw in a human baby on top of
this and still manage.......and still be as sane as I am now (notice I
qualify that statement...)?  No one thinks so, but I've always proven
them wrong.  I hope I don't come off flip or offend someone.  While I'm
speaking from the heart, I've also added some humor into it.  Babies need
our protection, but they don't need to be in bubbles.
Other than a baby having life threatening allergies, I can't imagine
parting with any of my family members to make room for another.  I think
I'd try to persuade my husband to erect a nice shed and putting the
nursery in there before I'd part with my animals.  I think I'd lose that
battle.  But there are things people can do to fit a baby into the current
animal filled household.  At least I believe this to be the case.  I will
do everything in my power to protect this baby from harm!!!  There is no
doubt about that!  However, I must come to terms with the fact that my
baby will not only be scratched by his own fingernails and probably mine
(if I grow some), but he will also be licked and drooled on by dogs and
various other animals.  He will never be in a position to get bitten,
until he's old enough to know why he was bitten and accept the blame <g>.
Even under the most supervised conditions, as I picture his life, he will
undoubtedly be scratched by an animal at some time.  He will be knocked
down as soon as he figures out how to get up.  He will bang his head, skin
his knees and get harmless rashes from God knows where.  (And that's all
without the help of animals, so when an animal causes it, why get panicked
about it?)  I am certain I'll knock him down on accident at times.  It
happens.  He will cry when the birds scream and startle him, but he'll get
used to it.  He will never have to adapt to being around animals, because
that's all he'll know.  He will grow up respecting animals as long as we
continue to respect the animals and teach him as well.  He will hopefully
grow up to respect life in general.  Through our own show of
responsibility, he will hopefully learn how to be responsible.  He will
have chores and he'll hate them ALL, but he'll be the envy of all his
friends.  He will never be alone, as he will always have a critter to
cuddle.  Is any of this possible?
We have so far sold our table pool <sob> and are in the process of turning
the billiard room into a living room/tv room.  Why?  Because we have 5
dogs that share the other living room/kitchen area with us.  People tell
us to get rid of the dogs <gasp>.  Is that an option?  The dogs must be on
our laps, couches and chairs at all times.  It's not safe for a baby, so
we're making a new room for us and the baby.  That way the old room (the
largest in the house) can still be for the dogs and ferrets and genets
and ringtail cats, etc, etc, etc.... during playtime.  I can hand off the
baby to the spouse as soon as he comes home so that I can feed and water
everyone.  If the baby, the spouse and an animal are screaming at the same
time.......I'll assess the situation and tend to the most critical first.
The ferrets will be out when the baby is asleep.  They do sleep at times,
don't they??  I can strap the baby to one of the mini horses while I muck
out stalls and clean the wallaby pen..... The ideas are just flowing , but
any other suggestions to make my life manageable would be helpful.
[Posted in FML issue 3583]