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Thu, 25 Oct 2001 22:07:06 -0400
Todd Leuthold <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (37 lines)
Condolences to those with lost, sick, or angeled sanity thieves...
Anonymous Poster wrote (in response to Anonymous Poster!)...
>helps keep the house nice and orderly as you either put the remotes, etc.
>out of ferret reach or you search for them in hidey holes; either way,
>there's no clutter laying around where you can see it!
Ha!  Shows how much *you* know!  You just gotta learn what kind of
"clutter" a ferret won't mess with!  Then you can have a nice, messy
house *and* ferrets and everything will look normal! :)  The Ferret
Playground in front of the television can be considered to be clutter
(mailing tube, plastic castle, one leg of an old pair of jeans, an entire
pair of jeans(!), a pair of litter jugs (only Smokey and Fuzzer don't
fit...everyone else does!), a small wooden box (they lay in it), a pretzel
jug, an assortment of jingle-balls, several matchbox cars (yep--they play
cars!), a smooshed 2-liter soda bottle and a cat condo...all in a space of
about two feet by four feet.  Cluttered?  Yep!  The ferts also borrow
the occasional item from my coffee table.  Miscellaneous papers, the TV
guide, one of my shoes (they usually leave them alone up there, but
sometimes...), a pen, etc., but they only play with it until I notice,
then run like lightning under the nearest piece of furniture, then do a
U-turn and poke their nose out to snicker at me! :)  I think they only
take things to get my attention, since they never really go anywhere with
it...unless I leave the snack box up there! :)  Silly goofs can't get the
thing open, but that won't stop them from grabbing it and dashing for the
other end of the house!
Clutter.  Ha!  It's *required* to make a house look lived in!  If it
wasn't for clutter, how would people know where to sit?  :)
Todd and the Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns!
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[Posted in FML issue 3582]