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Print Reply
Sun, 21 Oct 2001 12:22:02 EDT
Karen Vance <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
Hi!  Long time, no post.  I have no fuzzy babies, they have all gone to
the rainbow bridge.  I now work as an RN at the Georgia War Veterans home
in Milledgeville, and one of our residents, an animal lover in his 70s,
wheelchair bound and only a little demented, loves to talk about his pets.
He agrees with me that the best pet in the world is a ferret.  His kids
are caring for his pets now, but they keep in touch every day.  His last
white ferret is 7 years old and ill, on antibiotics-he's torn about
keeping her alive when he can't even see her-well that's not true-pets can
visit, or even live in the Home-He has at least one other ferret in good
Just wanted to let you know I still exist, and whenever my living
situation allows it, I will welcome another sweet fuzzy into my home.
(Usually, our ferrets are the ones others have grown tired of)  Out of
about 12, I only ever had one biter, from Canada, that I bought.  The
others were "kissers" , much sweeter than kitties, and, by the way, when
they had a mass ecape from their pen, they all came back home-one set up
residence under the front walk-they were not stupid, they knew the way
home.(The pen, of course, was discarded)
Now I am all sad over missing them-but they were middle aged when I got
them, and I took care of them the rest of their lives.  Nice being here,
don't flame me.
[Posted in FML issue 3578]