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Sat, 20 Oct 2001 18:38:48 -0400
The Ferret Aid Society <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
Wow!  I've had an awesome week!  This weekend was our pet show.  Aunties
Paige and Pam were terrific.  They took over everything at the show so
mommie didn't have to.
It looks like the show helped adopt a few ferrets!  Neo probably has a
great home and so does Buddy.  On Sunday, we're going to try to find homes
for Fivel and Rosie.
Mommie took me to an animal communicator during the show on Saturday.  She
told mommie what was on my mind.  She said that i love to be the center of
attention and that i love coming to pet shows and having people coo over
me.  She also told mommie how much i love having Woozelette in my cage
with me and that really shocked my mom <grin>
She also told mom that i wasn't feeling great all of the time but that i
loved her and knew she was doing her best to help me.  mommie looked at
me and told me i was her hero so i thanked her by curling into a ball and
going to sleep on her lap.  she almost cried, i've never done that to her
Other than that, mommie wanted me to thank aunties Olympia, Paige, Pam,
Aggie, Kash, Jen, Lisa, Lara, Debbi, Carolyn and uncle Ray for their help
at the pet show!
Love, Harley "Bug"
The Ferret Aid Society
"For The Love of Our Fuzzy Friends"
Work like you don't need the money... Love
like you've never been hurt...And dance like no one's watching!
[Posted in FML issue 3577]