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Thu, 18 Oct 2001 10:45:16 -0400
Lisa M Andrews <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (53 lines)
Dooks to all the furkids out there.  My prayers and thoughts to those of
you who's fuzzies are sick or have gone to the Bridge.
Well, two weeks ago yesterday my husband and I lost our beloved Casper.
Things haven't been the same without him, but I know that he is at the
Bridge and has been reunited with his best friend, Ozzie.
When Casper died, he was staying with a shelter mom that I am friends
with.  In order to help Rosco, my other fuzzbutt, deal with the loss, she
let him play with some of the furkids that she had in the shelter.  He
took to a 1 1/2 year old bibbed sable named Stoney.  They played very
well together, despite the age difference (Rosco is four).  I knew that I
wanted to bring him home, I just needed some time to come to grips with
I took Rosco to the shelter for a "play date" over the weekend and last
night my husband and I took him up again.  This time, we came home with
We got home about 10:00 last night.  Rosco went to bed.  The hour plus of
playing at the shelter with Stoney and several others was enough excitement
for him!  But Stoney, investigating the new surroundings, was still going
strong at 1:00 AM.  At that time, we needed to get some sleep!  After he
rearranged his cage, he finally settled in for the night about 1:30AM.
Now that he's here, it's actually pretty nice.  We live in a small, very
ferret-proofed, apartment, so the kids get free run of the house when we
are here.  I've missed having a ferret following me every where I go.
Casper was always at my feet, Rosco is more interested in the food dish
and his hammock.  Stoney seems to like to be whereever the action is.  As
soon as we go into the kitchen he needs to peek around the corner to see
what's going on.  Bathroom, in he comes.  He just got to go into the
bedroom for a few minutes this morning, I didn't think I'd ever catch him.
The other news is that ferret math may prevail.  The shelter just got in
a beautiful 10 month old black sable named Brownie (go figure).  He,
Stoney and Rosco got along great together.  Rosco had had enough of
playing with the group and climbed into the toy box for a nap and Brownie
was the first one in with him.  It wasn't two minutes and they were both
cuddled up together.  It will be a few weeks before all of his shots are
in order and he will be ready for adoption.  I've already put in a
request.  We are going to take this time to see how things play out first
and then may be bringing him home too.  Though the name HAS to change.
We can't have a black ferret named Brownie (I was thinking Dwezil?  Any
other ideas?)
Lisa and Chris, the very tired hoomans
Rosco, man Mom, this guy NEVER stops.  I'm pooped!
Stoney, hey cool place, where's the raisins!
Always in our hearts: Casper, Ozzie, Allie and Peanut (the "I want to be
a ferret" dog)
[Posted in FML issue 3575]