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Print Reply
Sun, 14 Oct 2001 20:54:54 EDT
Lori Crosland <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
Great Day at Petsmart Luv A Pet Center.  At least 2 Cats found a home.
Velcro the adorable little 1 1/2 year old girl found a home.  I believe
a pair of the babies were headed out as I was.
Please let me tell you about Al & Sal.  I can't believe this pair still
sits in their cage waiting for a home.  This pair is PERFECT for adoption.
They are about 2 (still young and have lots of life to give, but already
potty and nip trained) fixed and descented both males.  When Al comes out
he gets SO happy, he runs and leaps and dooks and plays.  Sal is a cuddle
bug who would rather snuggle up with you than race with Al.  That's why
this pair is so great.  You can play when you want and snuggle when you
want.  Visit my website for photo's www.younameitcatering.com (see ferret
cause at bottom of page).
There are many for for adoption (all from 24 carat ferret shelter).
Please look!  Still looking for volunteers.  Couple of big weekends
coming up.  Pet Parade, Ferret Costume Contest & More.  If interested,
call 253-1400 or e-mail me at [log in to unmask] or Call CJ at Petsmart
on Craig & Martin Luther King.
Lori and the Fuzzy Bunch
[Posted in FML issue 3571]