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Wed, 3 Oct 2001 11:17:54 EDT
"Christine Herman-- Ms. Ferret Lover" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (76 lines)
A virus ,presumably the ECE virus, is running rampant here at my little
home shelter.  i lost my big alpha guy and bestest buddy brody on sunday..
yesterday i lost sophie..  i wrote a while ago aboput sophie.  she was
found starving,abused and dumped..  she was the most awful thing as far
as her conditon and the level of her fear..  she turned around with some
tlc and the last few months of her life were a happy one-- still my heart
aches for her.  the vet and i are doing all we can to keep the others from
meeting the same fate as brody and sophie- weeds in now terribly ill..
To everyone who wrote me about my book 'weasel Ward' i will get to your
letters as soon as i can..  i want to include the following poem and a
drawing of Brody and the printer has to revise things-- it will only be a
slight delay..
on a night so long ago
when life was grey and blue
i gazed out at the sleet and rain
and sighed "what should i do?"
the world it seemed so cruel and wide
unyeilding and complex
i held my head in shaking hands and
wondered "what do i do next?"
When Brody gently padded by
and with a little dance
he hoped up on my lap and stretched his paws upon my chest
he kissed my nose and settled in
then gave me his advice..
he said that life was easy,but you never live life twice..
so when you feel the joy inside
bubble to the top..
just put on your finest clothes
and dance untill you stop..
and if you have a gloomy day
and need a bit of care
just hop into your hammock
and your friends will be waiting there.
never skip a tasty treat
or napping in the sun..
and never take too many baths
or you wash away the fun.
casue life it can be messy
but what a big suprise!!
if you live each day in full
and at night just close your eyes
you won't have any baggage,sorrows or regrets
you'll take your troubles as they come
and toss aside the rest.
so i stroked his fuzzy ears and yelled
"my Brody,you're the man""
if only fuzzies ruled the world
and devised the master plan,
the world would be  a wacky place
but all would live as one !!!
and so i grinned the biggest grin
as we watched the rising sun
MY Brody closed his eyes today
for the last time on this plane.
I held him close and sent him on
to a finer place.
the angels there will wait for him
and dance across the sky
and when i see a shooting star
i know it's Brody passing by....
[Posted in FML issue 3566]