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Mon, 8 Oct 2001 04:01:20 -0400
Lynn Siegel <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
So far it is a dismal failure as far as people in FL responding about if
they would use wood pellets if we could get them down here.  Only 2 people
in the entire state wrote me that they would like to get them, so aside
from Jackie & these 2 people & myself, no one else down here wants them?
I'm pretty darn certain that with only 4 people wanting them no one is
going to ship then down here.  So I will try again requesting that anyone
living in FL, if you want us to try & get wood pellets shipped down here,
please write me direct & tell me what city you live in, how far you'd
drive to pick them up & approximately how many bags or pounds you would be
interested in.  Don't know the amount, then just guess.
There must be other shelters down here that want some, individuals?  The
information isn't going to go to anyone but me.  I just want to get an
idea of how many people are interested, what city you live in & how far
you'd go to get them if you don't live near a large city, or they couldn't
go to the city you live in for some reason.  & how much you would be
interested in getting at least to start out with.  If we can get enough
to make a shipment worthwhile maybe someone will do it for us.
Write me at: [log in to unmask]
Lynn & Clan War Weasels
[Posted in FML issue 3565]