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Thu, 4 Oct 2001 19:11:57 +0000
Julia Goodwin-Todd <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (50 lines)
Thankyou to everyone that replied to my plea about Garcia.  I actually got
a call from a woman that lives only about 3 hours away that is meeting
with me about adopting Garcia.  She has 10 ferrets that she has either
rescued from nasty petstores or that were unwanted.  She has a huge play
room made just for ferrets and has expierence with dealing with aggressive
ferrets.  Garcia should be very happy there being since he doesn't have
to be in a cage ever.
One of these days when I get my own home I will make a supreme ferret
room.  I tried before in my last apartment but even though the vinyl and
rugs protected the carpet underneath, I had to use the bedroom for so
many other things that I didn't have room for throughout the rest of the
apartment so the ferrets were getting into everything.  Now we have moved
into a bigger house, but we are still renting.  I'd feel better with
remodeling into a ferret room if I owned the house and could make it very
intact and devoted to only ferrets and their jungle gyms.  So I think that
this woman can offer him more space, freedom, and the flexability to make
poo mistakes (so often are they) without causing her stress and bad
relations between the two of them.  At least this lady knows what she is
getting into with him.
We are still angry that the shelter did not warn us of these problems
that must have been so evident.  A week later after adopting I emailed
the owners of the shelter, asked them if they had had such problems with
Garcia and they agreed there had been such problems.  I thought I could
break it, but I didn't have the patience or the skill to.  Now the shelter
has shut down anyway probably because they didn't have the heart for it
I want to just give a big HURRAY to all the ferret rescues of the world
for the patience, the heart, and the drive you have to maintain a happy
and safe shelter.  The money and the time you spend on your rescuees and
the fact that you are very particular about who you readopt your ferrets
out to is deserves a big furry hug and pat on the back.  I am disappointed
with this shelter because I deserved the whole facts about Garcia's habits
and aggression maybe then I would have realized that he wasn't the ferret
for me and not gone through all this pain and caused him to have such an
unstable change himself.
Well, thank you for reading my rant, and cry.  I know I'm going to break
down this Saturday when I release him.  He isn't unwanted, he is very
loved by both my husband and I.  He is so sweet, handsome and full of
life.  But after strugglin with this for quite sometime this is the road
we keep coming back to.  Please pray for Garcia in his new home for us.
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[Posted in FML issue 3561]