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Wed, 3 Oct 2001 21:57:31 -0500
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So my boy Jeffry has adrenal surgery this Friday.  Vet #1 thought it was
a flea allergy.  I made the long trek out to Vet #2 (the other ferret vet
in town) for a second opinion.  Vet #2 thinks it's adrenal.  Since he
sees tons more ferrets than Vet #1 and does an adrenal surgery about
every other week, he won.  Vet #1 wanted to wait until December before
we decided anything.  That just seemed foolish.  Besides, the whole flea
thing didn't hold a lot of water.  We don't now, nor have we ever had
fleas in this house.  Half of the weasels are DEWs.  I would know if we
had fleas.  So... my second opinion was totally worth it and I feel tons
better about this vet.  He actually specializes in ferrets and other
exotics.  I think all the weasels will be switching over.  Plus, he loved
and baby talked Jeffry the whole time.  Have to love a vet that sweet
talks your babies.  And he didn't even blink when they pooped on the
floor!  Imagine.  I wonder if he's married... :)
Anybody have any great hints for pre and post surgery?  The vet said no
food past midnight but water the whole time.  He also said let him eat
what he likes post surgery and that he'll self regulate his activity level
post surgery.  My previous experience with the wonder weinies is that they
don't self regulate anything in their little worlds.  Any words of wisdom
from the Wise Ones out there?
Thanks to all those that educated me before the first vet trip.  It helped
to go in armed with info.
[Posted in FML issue 3560]