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Sun, 30 Sep 2001 08:28:51 -0400
Kim Rushing <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (37 lines)
I've been vaccinating my ferrets at home for years, and during the time I
ran KiSta Ferret Shelter, I know I've vaccinated hundreds of ferrets
against distemper, with only ONE reaction.  Until Saturday morning.
Yesterday I was going through my ferrets paperwork, getting it ready for
the upcoming Baltimore Ferret Club show on 10/27, and realized that four
of them were coming due, and in one case, a month overdue.  So, I load up
syringes, and get to it.
Stan's ferret Bob had an almost immediate reaction.  She's been vaccinated
annually for the last 3 years she's been with us without incident.  She
turned beet red in the ears, foot pads, gums, and her face/eyes/muzzle
swelled up.  Thankfully, I got an "emergency kit" from my vet last year of
anti-reaction meds....Vetalog, Epinephrine and injectable Benadryl.  With
everyone (including me) freaking out and panicking, we got her dosed up,
and hoped for the best.  She was unresponsive and limp for a good 1/2
hour.  I called my vet who was working about an hour away, and he gave me
the correct dosages (my other ferrets are at least 2x Bob's size and in
full panic mode my math skills to adjust the dosage go straight down the
crapper), and told me to monitor her respiration, heart rate and
About an hour later, she was moving her head, and now (the next day) she's
completely back to normal.
I just wanted to give a heads up to anyone that vaccinates at home to have
a back up plan just in case something goes amiss.  Like I said, I've never
had a reaction except one time before, but as I learned today, never say
never, and take that boy scout code to heart.... BE PREPARED!
two posts in two days....this is a record!
[Posted in FML issue 3557]