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Thu, 20 Sep 2001 03:24:47 -0500
"Sue M." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (69 lines)
I want to clarify.
I'm not asking why many people only come out in times of crisis.  It's the
way people are.  We often need a kick in the behind to do something.  I'm
asking why a good portion of them (not necessarily the majority, though
sometimes that's the case) if they cannot have one of the "famous"
ferrets, refuse to give *another* a home.  Or rather, I'm trying to bring
that issue to people's attention because I believe a number of people who
do that don't do it consciously.
It's very easy to get caught up in the "story" of an individual or a group
of animals and want to be a part of that story.  There inevitably will be
some disappointment if one cannot be.  It's special to be part of the
group that saved an animal/group of animals.  I'm asking people to
remember the others who need homes as well, and trying to remind them that
there is just as much joy, even if not as much acclaim, in adopting them.
It's not a question of "why weren't you there before?" it's a matter of
"why will only *that* one do?"
I am not speaking about any specific situation or about anyone specific,
not even *necessarily* about any of the FML.  It's something I've had
recent coversations with my shelter mom about, and it came up here, so I
thought I'd address it.  Once it gets into people's minds they can carry
the message elsewhere.  And I will repeat that I *do* believe that most of
the people that walk away when they can't adopt a "famous" critter aren't
doing it maliciously.  It just, for whatever reason, doesn't *occur* to
them that they've already decided they had room in their lives for one (or
more) more, and there ARE more, many more, who need homes too.  Of course
there are those who ONLY want to be involved in the story, and if they
can't be, that's just it.  But I don't think that true of most people.
In posting about it and asking the questions I did, I hoped to make people
*think*, so that the notion that helping didn't HAVE to mean adopting only
the famous ones.  Adopting a "regular" when the "famous" aren't in your
area, or are limited of number so not everyone who wants one can have one
does more than give a "forgotten" a home.  It puts a drop in the large
bucket that is most shelter's bills.  It frees up a spot for a ferret that
might otherwise be tossed out into the street because the shelter was full
and didn't have any spots left.  It gives the shelter mom or dad one less
to worry about, MAYBE gives them more time to do more good in the ferret
world, or help them not burn out.
Not all shelters are blessed to be surrounded by other shelters and gobs
of volunteers.  It is not always possible for them to take the time,
energy and often money to do a "feature" that would only get one ferret
adopted.  (Which is another idea of how to help...if you can't adopt or
foster, offer to work on ways to make the need more public.)
I offer a challenge to everyone either now or next time they get inspired
and want to adopt a ferret/group with an emergency: Let the
shelter/organizers that are involved know that if there are more people
to adopt than there are fuzzies, that you will be happy adopting a ferret
that wasn't part of the emergency.  Then, if you don't get one of the
"famous" ferrets...do so.  And post about it here, inspire others to make
the same offer.  (I say *offer* because obviously the ferrets in the
emergency need homes too!)
It's good to see the out pouring of support for our service men and women
and the people willing to house and care for their ferrets while they are
serving.  Thank you, and hopefully the need will not be very great, or for
very long.
Hug your fuzzies and be thankful for them.  Every day is a blessing.
Sue M.
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[Posted in FML issue 3547]