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Wed, 19 Sep 2001 08:03:26 EDT
Anne Ryan <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (37 lines)
I am simply amazed.
I run the shelter that took in 63 of the Christmas Rescue ferrets.  Kim
Rushing from Kista took in another 17 or so.  The generosity and support
of the ferret community was overwhelming.  In my case I asked that all
cash donations go directly to SOS.  I was not set up to handle a lot of
cash coming in (we don't have a 501(c)3 and don't normally take cash
donations), and frankly didn't have the time.  I forwarded all the vet
bills and lab bills directly to SOS and they cut the checks.
Now we have this rescue in UT with more than double the number of ferrets.
And what is happening?  There has been very limited response from the
ferret community.  I have donated the funds for 50 ADV tests.  I'm
certainly not expecting everyone to make that type of a donation--but my
tax check just came and it was my turn to repay the kindness extended to
me last year.  Come on people!  Nine months ago you all raised over $6000
to help out in a really trying time.  That doesn't include the thousands
of dollars in donated products and services.  Why aren't you doing the
same thing now?
These ferrets are no less needy than those that were placed in my care
last December.  There are three thousand people on this list, and my bet
is that between them they own over six thousand ferrets.  Why not send
in one dollar for each ferret you own?  Or skip that morning Latte at
Starbucks for a couple days and send that money instead.  Yes, we as a
global nation are being stretched ot the limit financially and emotionally
with the ongoing state of affairs that the United States of America is
struggling with right now.  But please try to find a few dollars in the
bottom of your pocket, or finally get around to cleaning out your handbag,
or take that ever growing pile of change out of your desk drawer and send
it.  Either send it directly to SOS (you can add a note specifying that
the money be used to assist a particular shelter or the UT rescue in
general), or send it to one of the shelters.  But do something.
[Posted in FML issue 3546]