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Tue, 18 Sep 2001 15:32:36 -0500
Troy Lynn Eckart <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (87 lines)
Finally a moment to come up for air so I better get this out fast.
Sandy said the only thing definite about plans is that they are subject
to change and boy was she right in this situation.  With the horrendous
tragedy of Tuesday and a late notice Wed that we could relocate the
fuzzies we had many obstacles to overcome.  This group effort, far and
wide, became a loving adventure for all involved - those that actively
participated and those that anxiously watched for news of our efforts.
Tracy Kilmer and her helper drove down from Washington and Julie Fossa and
her helper drove down from Ohio to take fuzzies back with them.  Linda
Soule rented a cargo van and she and her helper loaded and drove from
Davis Co Animal Control to Denver CO where she met Sandy, Mike, and Joseph
from OK and Nancy and Lydia from KS.  There they changed carriers, checked
food and water and loaded the OK and KS vans for further transport.  Sandy
and her family made a couple deliveries in KS then on to home.  Nancy and
Lydia drove straight through to Hollister MO, unloaded then got back on
the road for the 5 hour drive home.  Joey and Dale drove up from Florida
to Hollister MO, stayed the night then loaded and made one stop at Vicky's
in Arkansas and headed back to Jackie Hawley's.  I spent my entire waking
hours at home on the phone keeping in contact with the transporters and
coordinators (I DON'T want to see my phone bill!!!).
I've never participated in a rescue/relocation that wasn't full of twists,
turns and challenges and this one stretched us to our limits.  The cost
was tremendous for all involved.  Vehicles were rented to move the ferrets
safely, transporters drove sleepless hours to reach their destinations,
load up ferrets and then drive them to the next transport location.  I
can't speak for the others, but to give an idea of the costliness of this
operation my input at this time (not all the receipts are in) was between
$1,500 and $2,000.  I have a FFS credit card that I've never used and kept
it for emergencies and this was an emergency so I was able to charge some
of what was needed.  Every person that participated spent above and beyond
what they had just for transportation.
There are many of these fuzzies that need surgeries and medical treatment.
Most have terrible teeth and some gum infections.  One that went local is
an old malnourished and extremely skinny female (you can feel every bone
in her spine and ribs clearly), another is adrenal.  The majority of the
ailing ferrets went with Tracy Kilmer and she took as many adrenal ferrets
as she could find.  Julie Fossa also took several adrenal ferrets and a
few with other ailments.  Sandy also found several in her transport group
that needed medical treatment.  Jackie Hawley's group also has some
needing medical care and two that weren't doing well stayed with Vicky in
Reports from their caretakers indicate the ferrets have been cage-bound
for a long time as their muscle tone is very poor and they don't know how
to climb or play like other ferrets do.  All are eating like there is no
tomorrow.  Many are very thin though there are some that are of fair
weight.  In the wee hours of the morning, Layton passed away in the loving
arms of Tracy Kilmer.  He was blessed to have known love in the end.
Several died before they could be transported.... Several more will die
before long but they will all know love before they leave this realm...
I can't say enough good about those that put their lives on hold to help
relocate the Utah fuzzies.  Cash donations, supplies and help with medical
costs are desperately needed.  Totally Ferret and The Ferret Store have
both offered donations.  Avecon is giving a special cost for ADV testing.
BTW - Linda Soule tested the one's she took and they are negative.
A fund has been set up through SOS to help with these and some of the
transportation costs (if enough donations come in but the fuzzies come
first) and you can earmark your donation for your choice.  SOS is here to
help and they are non-profit so donations are tax deductible.  Julie Fossa
is setting up an account with her vet so donations can be sent directly to
her vet.  She'll post the information as soon as she gets everyone and
everything settled.  If anyone else involved is able to set up an account
with their vets we'll post it too.
Please, if you can see it in your heart and pocketbook/wallet, send a
little something to SOS or directly to those listed above.  If you choose
to send something directly to the caretaker, email them and ask what it is
they need most or tell them what you have to offer and see if they can use
it.  If they can't, another might.  Many of us have extra water bottles,
bowls, toys, hammocks, t-shirts for bedding that we could easily send off
in the mail tomorrow!
Hugs to all. tle
Troy Lynn Eckart
Ferret Family Services
Please sign up to support our charity
[Posted in FML issue 3545]