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Mon, 17 Sep 2001 02:26:39 -0500
"Sue M." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
I've often, unfortunately, noticed that too: People come out of the
woodwork for the "special cases" but if they can't HAVE that special
case, many (though not all) won't even consider giving another homless
critter the space they had for the one they wanted to be hero for.
It's not exclusive to ferrets.  I worked in a pound overseen by a local
humane society.  If there was a story about an animal, people would come
in in droves to adopt it.  When they couldn't, they would turn around and
walk out without even LOOKING at the others who DESPERATELY needed homes
too.  I've heard the same story from many people all over.
It's truely a shame.
I would challenge people the next time you get an urge to adopt a "special
case" a rescue, a ferret (or other animal) with a special story...but
WON'T consider any other...ask yourself WHY.  Yes, it's nice to be the
"hero", but you're just as much a hero to the "plain ole shelter" ferret
that you adopt.  You may not be a part of the "special" story, and may
not get the public kudos and thanks, but you're doing it for the ferret,
right?  Not for public acclaim.  At least you SHOULD be doing it for the
ferret...so if you are, why does it matter WHICH ferret?  And if it
matters which ferret...should you be adopting in the first place?
Remember that there are fuzzkids that will likely NEVER have a chance at
the kind of public exposure the "special" ones do, but need a home just
as much...if not more because they're not "in demand".  Especially the
older or ill ones.  Why does that make them less needful just because
they're situation isn't an emergency?  Why, if you decided you had the
recources to take in another, would you turn away from the needy?
Next time you get that urge, think on these things.  Think of what you
would do if you were told you couldn't have the "special case".  And
then think why.
It's about the ferrets.  Each one of them is special.  Each one of them
will see you as a hero.  Each one of them has just as much need, even if
it's not as immediate, as the "special cases".  I challenge you the next
time a special case comes up, ask HONESTLY about what other ferrets are
available that need homes as well, and take one of THEM in.
Sue M.
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[Posted in FML issue 3544]