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Thu, 13 Sep 2001 15:25:55 -0400
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I am in Northern,NJ.  Unfortunately a little while back fleas were brought
to my home from my Grandfather's home in south jersey.
Last week my cat was poisoned by a flea spray (marketed as safe for cats)
I had used on her.  Luckily I got her to the vet in time.
The household consists of
1)one pittbull dog weight about 70lbs age 10 has a skin condition causing
severe sensitivity to chemicals
2)one cat 1 year old 15lbs (this was the one treated for poisoning) one
kitten about 3 months old 3 lbs..blind.  She already has been flea treated
with Revoltion drops applied to the neck last week.
3)a total of 6 ferrets.  My four on the basement level and my mom's two
two floors above
5 of the ferrets are around age 4 and all are healthy except for Podo who
may be adrenal.  I say may because I had rescued him from a garage sale
last year.  He had recently been attacked by crows and had massive scaring
to his lower back about 2 inches above his tail.  The hair has never
returned to that area but also has not spread and shows no signs of
adrenal disease
The other ferret is Flea who is at least 8 years old and benign adrenal
for about 4 years.  Health is otherwise fine.
OK...here's the question.The product the exterminator wants to spray is
called DRAGNET.  The active ingredient is Permethrin (which the vet told
me last week is not safe for cats,kittens or ferrets.
Of course the pets will be removed from the home.  But what concerns me is
for how long?  The exterminator said about 3-4 hours and the product will
be dry and it is then safe.  I fail to believe this and hope that either
someone with knowledge or past experience can help me.  I do not want my
pets poisoned by accident.
I have read the FAQ on FLEA-TICK and printed it out and it was very
helpful.It also listed Permethrin as being unsafe for animals.  I'm
Any help greatly appretiated.  My local ferret vet is out of town and I
have placed a call to another ferret vet in the state but have not yet
heard back from him.
Thank You very much
ps-also anyone that even may know of an exterminator or maybe they have
used with pets around in Hudson County,NJ please let me know.
It also listed   [huh?]
[Posted in FML issue 3540]