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Wed, 12 Sep 2001 21:53:16 EDT
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I must be really out of it.  I am not sure if I sent this address or not.
I had company come over in the middle of writing this.  Forgive me if this
is a duplicate.
Observe the ferrets cages.  Look at ferrets living in carriers.  Look at
the key word.  Stench.  Look at how Jen needs to get a stay of execution.
It was this weekend we were made aware of the situation.  People did
everything they could think of with the material presented to try and save
the ferrets.  Then, the director tells Lisa of PETA that the ferrets were
never going to be killed.  She also leaves a hotline phone number about
this.  Read the article.
Lisa of PETA and those of us who called the director--(who I don't believe
has spoken to any one other than PETA)-may be partly or fully responsible
for saving the lives of the ferrets.  We may not be such lunatics after all.
The contradictions on both sides is making it difficult to be of help.  I
have learned today that enough people still wish to get these guys out of
there into good homes AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
[Posted in FML issue 3539]