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Sun, 9 Sep 2001 14:38:54 EDT
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One of the best ways I have discovered the answer to ferret affection is by
taking the ferrets out individually to spend quality time.  Mine were at
the park with me until it grew dark out yesterday.  They ran like the wind,
sniffed their noses off, dug up the soft earth, and rolled on their backs
in the pine boughs that had broken off.
We go to my mothers, and they rush into the carrier the minute it is placed
by the door.  I walk them in the woods, and put them in their sleep sack
when they are too dead to walk any more.  I have fresh water and food
always nearby.  I let them do what they want on their leashes-always
keeping an eye on them.
I teach them tricks at home, and reward them with smelly chicken treats.
I find them when they are asleep and hold them gently and kiss their little
beings and rock them on their way to their cage.
I run with them in the clear tubes down the halls, as they become
hysterical trying to get in and run out of the flexible tubing.  Back and
forth we all run.  I run into different rooms.  Sometimes they exit on the
bed, and leap off to enter the tubing on the floor.  I help them get up the
tubing into the bed again.  Or we end up in the bath tub.
I set up mazes of boxes and blankets for them each morning to keep their
interest.  I made them a trampoline they are wild about.  I put their old
toys away and rotate toys from 3 weeks ago.
I hold them in my lap while they eat their soup.  I pick up each one and
kiss and hug and hold him or her each morning when they wake up as they
stagger and stretch out of their cages.
Take them to the pet store in a small carrier.  Let them run around the
store on their leashes until they are exhausted.  Put sleeping ferrets in
sleep sack and shop.  Have soft clean blankets, fresh litter, fresh water
in bowls properly washed and dried so even you would drink out of them.
Have toys you hold up they can leap up after and chase you around to
Reward them after you clean their ears and trim their nails and brush their
teeth with a small amount of Ferretone on your finger.  Give them that
Laxatone treat from your finger.
And then?...........
Two magical things happen.
First of all--you are so wiped out that you are not even thinking of
needing or wanting more ferret affection anymore.
And secondly--By doing all of this?your ferret has become your companion.
Chances are great he or she WILL be more "affectionate"  But it won't
really matter .
You will have bonded with your little ones in multiple situations.  And
**YOU** will FEEL more affectionate toward the life you have spent time
and energy nurturing.
[Posted in FML issue 3536]