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Fri, 7 Sep 2001 12:27:39 -0400
Michele Liberty <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
>Problem: My newest girl is getting under the void space between the
>cupboards and the floor in the kitchen.  Getting herself stuck under
>there!  I can kiss my security deposit on my apt. goodbye with this mess!
We too had the same problem only ours would get outside because of the same
void space (it is a long and involved maze on how they were able to find
the passage to the outside but leave it to the fuzzbutts to find it!).
What we ended up doing is putting child safety locks on all of the lower
cupboards and drawers.  This kept them out of the primary access to the
void space...the cupboards and drawers.  Is there anyway you can block
off access for them to the kitchen completely?  We have an area that is
completely off-limits to them (laundry room, master bathroom, master
bedroom and my husband's office) and we have made a gate to keep them out
of it.
As far as why they do it even though they know they are not supposed to?
Who knows???  What I call it is tunnel vision mentality...whatever they are
doing that is interesting them at the moment gets their full attention and
nothing else matters.  That is part of the fuzzy attraction!  I am not sure
it matters to my fuzzies if they know they are not supposed to do it or
not...they could care less.  That is why my house is ferret proofed to the
max and they still show me that I need to do more almost on a daily basis.
I know how frustrating the little darlings can be but they give so much
more in return, it is well worth the hassle.  Good Luck!
Michele and the Trio of Trouble
[Posted in FML issue 3534]