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Sat, 1 Sep 2001 14:01:27 -0500
D CHRISTEN <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (86 lines)
I have posted an not so happy letter about this so called pet store, awhile
back and now i have to post again.  I believe it is Petland in Racine,
Wisconsin now has 4 baby ferrets/infant is more like it.  They have a
'NO PET RETURN" policy, but...i wouldn't return the 2 :-) little girls my
husband "rescued" unknowingly to me, yesterday.  He told me he would have
taken all 6 of them, but...i think my husband has finally caught the BUG?
I am the absolute ferret lover in this house, but when my daughter comes
home Feb 14th (Val Day), and hands me a box, (i am puzzled), and my husband
the receipt w/ferret on it.  My daughter, why would she buy a ferret for
herself?  Well, she bought him for me, (same store mind you).  We just seem
to feel a need to rescue all the babies from that place!!!
Getting back to the real reason i am writing, is this...please can someone
"rescue" the other 4 babies, i am currently (fostering?  2) along with the
2 dozen i already had, and i am not so sure that their mommy and daddy are
all that interested in coming back for them...so....my numbers grow...i
just pray that i can keep working the 2 jobs, so i can care for everyone...
where there is a will, there is a way?  I know that i can count on my
daughter and my husband to help me, if i need it, but i am usually the
one who takes care of everything, not that i mind @ all.  Now i am just
concerned with the remaining 4 that are there, they are offered, the usual
pet store fare, HARD KIBBLE!!!  I myself did not see them, i was browsing
another store, and had no intentions of even going into that store...(had a
few choice words to say to them, a few months ago...) I wish they would
stop selling babies, there are so many unwanteds already that need loving
homes and care, and i worry about all the ones we don't see.
If u cannot purchase them, please then just check on them, i do not live
nearby, and rarely get up to Racine, so....i am on a mission so to speak.
I think my daughter bought Epimetheus for me, because he has a bit of a
curl to his lip (one of the not so perfect babies), but that just makes him
all the more endearing to me.  He is one happy little fellow now...not sure
if he is deaf, think he is a blaze (told u i didn't know all that much, but
i sure am learning fast).  At least as fast as my mind can retain what i
read :-)  My babies have free roam, so i have a lot of clean up work and
have to keep some of them separate, as Romulus my bully boy likes to bother
the new girls....i sometimes think i have more ferrets in my bedroom @
night than else where anymore...but....Remus sure does love mommys down
comforter...his sleeping position shows it...on back curled sorta like
Hobbes (Calvin & Hobbes).
Well, even though they have a dnr policy stated on their receipt, i would
never take any animal back to them anyway...i am trying to be nice about
this, but i find that place is more interested in the monetary aspect of
animal world, than ensuring their animals get good loving homes...if you
know what i mean.
P.S. to all who responded to Animal Trust request for information:
My girlfriend is stuck between a rock and a hard place right now...
husband missing/8 years, 2 homes to get him to sign off on, but she is
still thinking of her animals...and thanks you all who responded.
A little story, she lives out of town, and in a pretty quiet neighborhood,
had not really had a screen so to speak on her bathroom window, but she
kept all her female cats in there (sort of a safeguard) animal control
task.  Well, she heard a buzzing late one evening, only to discover a very
large swarm of mosquitoes in the bathroom, She sleeps in the raw, so this
is going to be very picturesque to the imagination, she tosses the females
out of the bathroom, to save them from the mosquitoes, is frantically
running around the house to round them up before they get "caught", and
was recently blessed with 5 kittens, in her medicine cabinet...any one want
to give a cute kitten a good home???  :-)
Thank you all...love the stories, cry with the losses, laugh at the
funnies, hate the flames...but we all have to have our speak, too.  The
important thing in this is the welfare of the ferret community.
In Loving memory of
Athena (01-06-00)
Odysseus ( 06-30-01)
Donna and her furry family
I am beginning to feel like the old woman who lived in a shoe??? :-)
P.S. in case i forgot , please welcome our newest additions Zsa Zsa, and
Eva to the Christen family...
Crimson - can i have them????
Crimmy is my ferret mommy, she hoards all the stuffed babies...so they are
currently housed in the biggest cage in the house...i guess the girls are
only a few weeks old, fresh from the MF supplier...
[Posted in FML issue 3528]