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Tue, 14 Aug 2001 23:22:57 -0400
April Gallaty <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (52 lines)
Hello all...
I just thought I would relate my latest adventures.  I went to San Diego
for the summer and on the way to San Diego and on my way back to the East
Coast, I decided to stop in Las Vegas to visit some friends and to meet CJ
of the 24 Carat Ferret Rescue and Shelter.
CJ was one cool lady!  I loved her cool ferret tattoos and I am even more
excited about getting one now.  On the way to San Diego, I didn't get to
visit much because CJ had done a drive to CA herself the night before to
pick up a ferret that was surrendered at the CA border.  She was moving on
just a few hours sleep and I was on my way out.  I wanted to help with cage
duty (I swear it!) but she said no for now but I made a promise to come
back by the next month and help out.
On my way back to the East Coast, my husband and I both stopped to visit
her.  (He flew out to meet me and drive back with me to FL).  When I had
visited CJ in June, she had a house full of ferrets, dogs, cats, a guinea
pig, and her souped up raccoons (I can't recall what they are called for
real, but they look to be relations of raccoons).  I think her total ferret
population at the time was around 45.  When I stopped back by at the
beginning of August, she had ballooned up to 80 ferrets!  People are giving
up ferrets left and right!  It's so sad to see that many babies being given
My husband, Damon, and I went with the intention of scooping potties, but
she didn't have litter and had spent her money on food for the ferrets.
I have to give CJ some serious credit though.  She had some FAT ferrets.
While standing around talking, loving ferrets, petting cats and dogs, she
was administering meds, food, etc.  She is on a constant ferret rotation!
She had several sick babies, but even those were well cared for.  So, we
left with making a minimal donation and taking the guinea pig with us.  We
found him a home with a good friend here in FL that had just had a guinea
pig die.  This fat little pig was a hairless guinea pig, called a skinny
pig.  He was a great travel companion.
So, I guess the point of this email is to keep up some awareness.  If you
got a buck or two, please send it to her!  Every little bit helps.  CJ
works her butt off!  I couldn't do it, that's for sure.  In order to help
out, I am in the process of sewing another ferret play rug...I like to
call them UGLY RUGLIES.  I hope to have it up on Ebay in the next day or
so.  I'll let everyone know the link, so when it sells, I am going to
donate the funds to CJ.
Thanks for listening and if you can, support some shelter, any shelter.
They all work so hard and need so much.
Take care and dooks to everyone!
April, Damon and the gang of rug snorklers...
[Posted in FML issue 3510]