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Sun, 12 Aug 2001 23:18:52 EDT
Kim Schilling <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
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>Any ideas on what it is?
You have yourself a mink! I've had too many to count :-)
I can't tell you how many :black ferrets" I've fished out of window wells
only to find they're ranch mink.  I say RANCH because our wild mink are
chocolate brown.  It also probably has a white spot on its throat.  I
love mink, but if you think a ferret can let out a stink bomb........
WOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEE!  And the screams are piercing!  I miss having
mink.  Truly, I do!  They're so comical!  I would set it up just like a
ferret, but allow it to have a tub with water as often as you can!  They're
very aquatic!  They can learn to drink out of bottles.  In fact, it
probably already knows how to.  It can be litter trained.  It can eat the
same stuff ferrets eat.  And all my mink got mice several times a week!
Hope this helps........watch your fingers :-)  Be very careful!  They pack
a powerful bite!  Haven't met a "tame" one yet, though I know of some
people who have a few that are semi handleable.
Kim Schilling and the Zoo
Author of Ferrets for Dummies
Director, Animals for Awareness
"Protection through Education" A USDA, 501(C)3 non-profit educational
facility dedicated to exotic and wild animals.
Come join our yahoo group Procyonid_Viverrid
for raccoon, coati, kinkajou, ringtail cat, genet, binturong and civet
lovers.  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Procyonid_Viverrid
[Posted in FML issue 3508]