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Sun, 3 Feb 2002 14:08:42 -0500
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (145 lines)
In case anyone wondered: they were sent beforehand to the folks who
replied the day before -- with my offer to not post them if they upset
them (which apparently they did not because I got no objections and a very
enthusiastic "Yes!".), and Cindy also knew they existed and why.  So, no
one who posted on that situation was offended.
Actually, Cindy has recognized this as a opportunity to help local vets
get medical information to treat ferrets, and that is a very, very, very,
very, very (Have I mentioned "very"?) CONSTRUCTIVE way to handle it.  The
vets learn about websites, books, and vets' ferret-treating videos
(Deborah Kemmerer's and Charles' Weiss' -- both of whom have websites).
She is turning her situation into one in which she IMPROVES the chances
of ferrets getting good care in her area!  I just have to applaud Cindy
for turning this into something so constructive and so helpful for
ferrets!  Bravismo!
Bill, it has been almost a month since these last appeared and there are
additions since then.  I did not check them all this time before posting
but all were functional 1/13.  If you think that it is too early to post
these, I'll wait, but I figure it's part of the topic and perhaps others
can take a page from Cindy's book and use them to improve their region's
health care, too.  Remove sites if this part of the post is too soon.
Important note: it appears that anything that is associated in the lists
with the names "Acme" and "Howard or Anne Davis" now link directly into
a very overt porn site but a few of the website owners have not changed
those entries.  As Linda Iroff explained this sometimes happens when
folks let their registration for a name lapse; porno sites grab them up.
http://listserv.cuny.edu/archives/ferret-search.html  (archives of the
FML; see top of list for other info also readily available)
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Ferret-Health-list (discussion w ferrets
folks, incl.  knowledgeable vets, also health files and archives,
questions addressed)
http://www.miamiferret.org/fhc  (many health articles by vets and others)
http://www.afip.org/ferrets/index.html  (ferret pathology and health
care site by vet who is world expert on several things including ECE,
feeding sick ferret)
http://www.ferret.net/medical/  (helps find and links to many sources
of ferret medical information)
http://www.trifl.org/medical.html  (another clear site w links to
many sources of ferret medical information)
http://members.atlantic.net/~weah/ferrets.html (info and over-view by vet
http://home.att.net/~hhoefer/  (another site by a ferret-specialist vet)
http://www.lbah.com/Ferrets  (site by vets)
http://www.ferretcentral.org  (incredibly inclusive site with translations
available in multiple languages, addresses health as well as behavior,
basics, natural history, and more, also has many, many links to anything
http://www.geocities.com/wolfysluv/adv-straight.html  (Aleutian Disease
Virus site)
http://www.napcc.aspca.org/  (poison control for animals)
http://www.avma.org  (American Veterinary Medical Assoc. incl. The
Compendium of Animal Rabies Control at
http://www.avma.org/pubhlth/rabcont.asp which should be given to all
emergency rooms in human-hospitals)
http://advancedhelp.org  (easily accessed links for more health info)
http://www.geocities.com/wolfysluv/  (deafness)
http://www.ferret.org/index.htm  (American Ferret Association)
http://www.avecon.com/AveconADV.htm  (ADV testing -- this page has a
name change so the old one has links you can follow)
http://www.hiproanimalhealth.com/catalog/usa/index.htm  (Compendium of
Veterinary products)
http://www.graylab.ac.uk/omd/  (on-line medical dictionary)
http://www.peteducation.com/drugs_supplements.htm (vet info, but they
are not ferret specialists, and there are more up-to-date and accurate
sources -- it has had a change but like the one above it has links at
this address)
http://www.marvistavet.com/html/compounding_pharmacies.html  (list of
some compounding pharmacies)
http://www.bradleyhills.com/ and http://www.ferretdoctor.com  (vet
page with very detailed adrenal and insulinoma info)
http://www.petinsurance.com/  (insurance)
http://www.doggon.com  (travel chairs and mobility aids)
http://www.ferretnews.org/clinic.html (vets providing multiple pieces
of health information, and telling about California-specific concerns)
http://homepage.ntlworld.com/ferreter (National Ferret Welfare Society in
the UK, including vet articles on things not found often elsewhere like
castration, or abscesses)
http://www.ferretsanonymous.com/medical.html (medical info, including
from vets, and including some topics not seen in many places like first
aid kits, or dental hygiene, or holiday hazards)
http://members.tripod.com/~Ferret_Luv/foodchart.html  (food comparison
http://www.vetmed.auburn.edu/distance/cardio/ (info from vet on heartworms
in several animals, including ferrets.  Be sure to see the miamiferret
site above for more specific heartworm info as well.)
http://www.geocities.com/russiansmom  (ADV info)
http://www.vetheart.com/  (heart info from vets)
http://www.trifl.org/cedar.html  (epidemiological cedar and pine info)
http://www.ferrethealth.info (a new way to reach an extensive grouping of
articles by vets and others, and a recommended vet list)
http://www.nal.usda.gov/awic/legislat/awa.htm  (animal welfare act)
http://www.aphis.usda.gov/ac/publications.html  (fed. regulations and more)
http://www.tufts.edu/vet/cfa/hoarding.html, AND
http://www.tufts.edu/vet/cfa/MunicipaLawyer.pdf AND
http://www.legis.state.il.us/publicacts/pubact92/acts/92-0454.html AND
http://www.mhsource.com/pt/p000425.html (hoarding and how it hurts animals)
http://www.weareanimalhospital.com/healthinfo.htm (multiple ferret
health articles by a ferret vet, with plans to also add more, and add
some to http://exoticandbirdclinic.com/ in the future)
[Posted in FML issue 3683]