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Sun, 23 Sep 2001 20:30:35 -0400
Ferretwise <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (106 lines)
Hey all Jerimiah here - Ooooowwweeee!  It sure is a fun place to be!  Lots
happening all the time!  I hear I AM a FAMOUS FERRET, truly I am!  Mom
sent my picture in to the folks who made the Famous Ferrets of the FML
calendars -- these are on ebay and will help support the rescued UT
ferrets and even help some folks get to the Ferret Symposium- such a good
thing-- lets make sure these folks know how to take care of US!!  :)
I can't wait to see my beautiful face.
Remember when I told you before that Marie got mad when Nikki & Snickers
arrived?  Well guess what?  She can tolerate them now but Two NEW kids
arrived right after Ferretstock and -- SHES' BAAAAACK!  Madder than a
hatter and biting Mom relentlessly for allowing more ferrets in the place!
On the topic of Ferretstock for those of you who are wondering - - Rex
told me all this stuff -- i wouldn't haev a clue if he didn't fill me in
-- cause when Mom's around I see her mouth making these open and closing
things but - I can't tell if she is hungry or trying to accomplish
something!  So here's what Rex said: It was a busy day Ferret Shelters
from NY, NH, MA and CT were there.  3 vets who have taken care of us
Ferret Wise kids were in attendance and all enjoyed themselves so much
they will be back next year ( Sept 7, 2002 - so get ready!), The ferret
who won the trophy for travelin the farthest was Amos -- he came all the
way from Rochester NY!  There were 16 fun events for ferrets and all the
winning ferrets got bags of goodies with hammies or sacks, treats and
The great Dessert auction emceed by Karen Purcell, DVM raised $434 which
$217 went with the mailman to U of GA studies and the remainder purchased
21 ADV test kits for the shelter.  Hospice Mom Judy won the trophy for
submitting the baked good which raised the most $$ for ADV - her tea for 2
or 3 set with homemade truffles, cashew brittle, english shortbread, etc.
raised $50 ( Dr Karen's chocolate cheescake raised $50 too- but she
refused the trophy as emcee).
There were lots of new faces at Ferretstock-- and lots of great new
ferrets.  Mom was sad more of the old timers could not make it, but they
day was warmer than expected and lots of things were happening all over
the area she was real happy to see new faces from MA and NH arrive this
year too!  Ferrets especially enjoyed relaxing & playing in the paper
shred pool.  I hope we get one to play with in the shelter soon!  At the
end of the day everyone seemedf to have had a real good time.  Mom was
pleased all the bills got paid and said the shelter kids would eat well
for a while on the $700 plus profit!  I guess she meant it cause boxes
full of food arrived form the Ferret Store this week-- but no treatsand
no toys were in them ;(
The new faces that arrived Summer a 5.5 month old albino female and
Solstice a 5.5 month old deaf panda male came during the Twin Towers
disaster.  Hmmmm I am not sure what that is but these kids must have been
scared they came in biting up a storm poor MOM!  And that's when Marie
decided to join right in.  They are slowly getting better and soon they
can come out of quarry teen when they take their ADV test- until then I
just have to listen to more stories form Rex..  he hears Mom scolding them
when they get toothy!  Now Marie- she seems to be getting better- Mom
started singing to her again that makes her happier-- she just needs so
much attention and won't let me pay attention to anyone else!  SIGH.....
Rex has been a happy boy- aside from his monthly visits to the vet for
Lupron and now taking Flutamide, he now has a foster family!  He is so
very happy now I am glad Rex has someone to write to him after all he has
been here longer than any of us and I think he felt forgotten!  Poor Rex
is really starting to act happier these days, I am glad cause then he
fills me in on the stuff that will make me a great mascot like my
predecessors Ewok and Bear!
Mom is planning to make up special Halloween beds etc for us kids and the
ebay folks too!  She sent some beds out for some other shelter kids and
promised we are next!  I hear she is taking some of the fancy beds to
Bristol PA and to MA in October-- boy will those ferrets be happy!!  I
can't wait to get the pumpkin beds-- and the folks come to visit here at
pumpkin time to-- hope they bring me snacks- I'll take the Rosie's but I
prefer the Cheerio's hint, hint!!
If you are in the mood to peek at some of the new beds she is working on a
few things are on the ebay auctions now-- these I thought were kind of neat:
Hallow's Eve design ferret sleeper ends 9/27
Halloween / Harvest Gift Set ends 9/27
Purple Celestial sleeper ends 9/29
Peanuts Great Pumpkin sleeper ends 9/29
Purple Bats pocket sleeper ends 9/30
I bet you could find a special bed for your favorite trickin' ferret pal
right :)  we all know if she sells enough neat things on ebay-- we will
have more treats, ferretone and maybe get a little surprise or two to
boot!  Now wouldn't that be grand!  :) Just wait til the new kids learn
how grand life is they will wonder what they have been afraid of!  Hugs
to all you warm fuzzy ferrets-- keep close to your humans they need us a
Your friend,
Jerimah FerretWise, mascot   www.ferretwise.org
PS- don't forget to come to carve pumpkins and see me on Thursday Sept
25th!  wink wink!
[Posted in FML issue 3550]