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Fri, 7 Sep 2001 07:24:16 -0500
Kerry Gibbs <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
Hi there,
Been meaning to post for sometime now.
Last week I dreamed that my husband was looking for a new job.  I took him
to this hug building was he was going to a job interview.  This building
had lots of big glass windows in it.  I dreamed that I lost him in the bldg
and I was looking on every floor to try to find him.  I went up to one
floor and then I started toward the reception's desk and I thought I saw
a sign that said ferrets !!  As I got closer to it sure enough it did say
ferrets and the lady told me to take a number and be seated.  I had no idea
what it was all about.  When my number was called this lady took me in a
room and it had all glass windows and there was about 50 ferrets on the
floor playing.  She then told me they were whole ferrets and that they were
for sale, and then ask me how many I wanted, I explained to her that I had
to find my husband and get going.  I did get to play with them for a few
minutes.  Then I remember that I had to find my husband, I looked one every
floor and could not find him any where.
Then I went outside and there he was waiting for me, he said what took so
long, I told him I was playing with the ferrets and he said yeah right.
I must of had ferrets on my mind when I went to bed that night!!
Kerry and Ada Gibbs (weaselpals)
[Posted in FML issue 3534]