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Sun, 15 Jul 2001 19:55:10 -0400
tasha faill <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
Greetings All!
I am a new member to the list and newly accquired pet of my first three
furries.  The first two, Sniper and Levelor, adopted me at a local ferret
shelter they are around 3 and 4 years of age.  We had a very happy home
for about 3 months until my newest owner arrived.  I was not intending on
getting a third just yet, Yeti, but the previous owner could not keep him
anymore.  Yeti is about 8 months old.
Anyway Sniper absolutely hates Yeti.  I have tried switching the bedding,
giving ferretone to both to lick of each other instead of attacking and
even tried giving all the a bath.  The only thing to come out of the bath
was 3 mad furries, one very wet pet(me) with a new hair-do....during the
bath Yeti and Sniper crawled to saftey on my head.
Does anyone have any other ideas how I can get them to get along?  There
has been no blood drawn in the battles and Yeti is starting to hold his
own but I feel bad everytime Sniper gets ahold of him.  Any suggestions
will be appreciated.
Tasha and the Trio of Terror(Sniper, Levelor, and Yeti)
[Posted in FML issue 3480]