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Mon, 22 Oct 2001 07:53:05 EDT
Candice Bush <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (22 lines)
>My ferret Taz is a kidney patient.  I've been giving sub q fluids since
>March.  This past week he's became e very sick.  Vomiting, grinding teeth,
>pawing mouth, lots of mucous in mouth and spitting it up.  Not holding
>down food.  He's hungry and thirsty but can't hold it down.  He's losing
>lots of weight.  Vet is giving a med for nausea, carafate, pepto,
>ammoxicillen nothing is helping.  We can't figure out whats wrong.  Has
>anyone had this happen to their ferret?  The vet is now talking about
>putting him to sleep.  I just had to make one more try before I decide
>to do this.  Please email me @ [log in to unmask]  Any help would be
>appreciated.  I'm desperate... Laurie
Laurie, when Yogi with multiple health problems developed symptoms like
this I felt it would be time to let him go if I couldn't find help for
him.  In desperation I consulted with an animal accupuncurist/herbalist
that I located by calling the president of my state ferret association.
He taught me massage techniques and mixed up herbs for a tea and Yogi
lived another 6 months with no more vomiting.
I am sending healthy thoughts to you and Taz.
[Posted in FML issue 3579]