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Sun, 8 Jul 2001 21:35:55 -0400
lisa blohm <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
hi... i just came back from vacation.  i was only gone for 6 days, so the
best i could come up with for a sitter was a friend of mine who came over
every other day to feed mollie, clean her cage, give her fresh water, and
play with her for at least an hour.
and so he did.
and mollie was ever so happy to see us when we came back.
she ran around like a maniac for a few hours.  and then she crawled into
her carrier and went to sleep.  and i mean REALLY went to sleep.  usually
when she's asleep and i try to hold her, she wakes up.
today she just stretches out some more and then goes back to sleep.
normally if i put her on the floor when she is groggy, she gets un groggy.
instead, this time, she runs to her cage, climbs up, maybe does her
business or has a bite to eat, and then goes to sleep.  she never sleeps
this much in a day.
she has gotten up herself and gone for food, water, poop, etc. and when
she goes to do these things, she gets up and down her levels like her own
lively self.  but then she plops in her bed and sleeps.
right now she is sleeping on the couch next to her daddy who is also
sleeping.  unheard of.  usually if daddy's home, she's biting him.
so i'm worried-- do you think something's wrong?  i mean, she acts ok when
she is awake, but when she is asleep she's in another world.  i'm wondering
if anyone has had similar experiences--- maybe she didnt get much sleep
when we were away and is now exhausted?  let me know what you think.
lalisa and mollie
         LisaMarie Blohm
       Editor, Webmistress
 "Film Style. Elegant. Different."
[Posted in FML issue 3473]