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Thu, 21 Jun 2001 12:48:47 EDT
Rebecca Stout <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (61 lines)
:: A mist rolls in.  Ferrets break through it and organize themsleves in
different positions.  Out come little airfield flags.  The tiny ferrets
begin waving them wildly .... frantically.  Then an odd sound is heard.
An explosive motor.  You hear it from up above.... what is that?!  A shiny
red vehicle comes into view, and a figure with flowing robes about it is
piloting it.  She zooms in, stops apparently mid air...... and then with
loud exhuast she hovers in and lands.::
'Ellow, 'ellow!  ::she brushes off her robes, looks up and smiles::
I never would have made it, if it were not for my fabulous ground crew.
Give them all an applause would you?!  ::clapping::  Well how do you like
my new adaptions on the Radio Flyer?!  Yes, Harrier capabilities.  Quite.
Well, I had to fly in here being that I wasn't sure if I could blow by all
the lines of people here all beside themselves with certain "issues" on the
FML.  So I came in harrier style.  I was bestowed with these modifications
last week... almost used them on Big there.  Had my lasso hanging out the
back and everything.  But no worries!  No worries everyone.  I have
something really neato for you all to see and to focus on.
My ferrets, Kit and Kouri told me of this neato keano site.  Its really
neat to see.  I wanted you all to take a gander at a little fellow named
Fred.  Cute as the dickens he is!  He is a ferret that the Kouri Klub is
going to help.  Interesting story Fred has.  Go read it.  It won't take
but a minute, its not long.
If you have not joined the Kouri Klub..  well by all means ferrets, and
ferret puppets do so!  You'll love it!  ::she sits on the side of her
wagon, pops open a can of Scotts beans and begins wolfin' em down as she
talks:: You know ferret puppets, You really need to have more fun in life.
Take um, well er... Sean and Rocky.  Yes, well there's a couple of fellows
that like to have fun.
Sean saw kitties on the new Cats and Dogs movie trailer doing Karate, so he
is trying to figure out how to teach Rocky Karate.  Sean had a question for
the Left Coast One, but ::chomp chomp chomp:: it took so much out of me to
land this thing, I've forgotten.
And I haven't even made any predictions as of la... uh oh ::she holds her
head:: I predict, that Jean Caputo Lee of Ferrets Unlimited will have a
Happy Birthday!  ::grinning in triumph::
Well I"m off, ... Seems to me that question had to do with Ferrets in
Boats..  hmm.
::She loads up.  Gets seated.  The little ferrets back up, holding their
flags, and clear the field.  With a great explosion she lifts off hovering
above the ground.  What a racket!  There she goes, higher, higher,
higher.... OH there she goes....... whaaaaaaat an afterburner!!!!!!::
    Falling to the earth is:
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[Posted in FML issue 3456]