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Sat, 26 May 2001 13:09:24 -0700
Danielle Frye <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (50 lines)
After reading today's FML, I became very upset.  Whoever is impersonating
Sukie, I hope you realize that it is fraud and punishable by law.  You
probably think you are so smart and wont get caught, I doubt that.  I have
suspicions of my own on who is behind it.  Trust me, nobody is immune or
above the law.  Hang in there Sukie!  You, of all people, do not deserve
this.  Even when you disagree with someone, you do so in a manner that is
very respectful, so I just don't see why anyone would be targeting you.
On another note...
My hubby does not read the FML but when I told him about the debate over
ADV testing at shows, he gave me his unbiased opinion.  His response was
that people should look past their personal opinions of who runs these
shows and focus on the motivations of why they are requiring testing.
This was exactly what I felt about the issue.  Show coordinators have
enough stuff to worry about and I am quite sure that requiring ADV testing
is more of an inconvenience for them, than not.  What I am saying is
simple, the show coordinators are looking out for the ferrets, not their
owners.  It is much more work to have a show where one must check and
verify test results.  This is obviously of NO benefit to those who are
coordinating the show.  They are doing it out of their concern for the
health of the animals.  What irks me are those people I have seen in
Washington, that are more concerned with their "pookie or fifi" looking
good and winning a ribbon than the health risks associated with exposure
to other peoples' ferrets.  "Ferret collectors" are what I call this
Those who so adamently oppose shows that require testing, should not
attend.  That simple.  In fact, those who feel or voice that certain
ferret shows are so poorly run, etc...should go ahead and put together
their own show.  Instead of bashing the shows that exist, why don't you
try and compete by hosting a show of your own?  I can guarantee, you will
then realize and appreciate how much effort these events take.
Again, I don't participate in shows nor do I expose my ferrets to other
ferrets at these "ferret frolics".  I only allow my ferrets to associate
with ferrets I know (those of ferret owners I know).  That is my choice,
and it is because of the health risks involved.  I have rescued too many
ferrets that have had health problems so I know that many irresponsible
ferret owners exist.  You cannot tell from a visual whether or not the
owner has taken their ferret in for regular vet visits or shots.  I just
wont risk it.  I do feel that these events are very fun and often attend
without my ferrets, and I can understand why people enjoy them.  I just
cannot get past the health concerns.  That is my opinion and I do not
judge those that I know who do compete.  It is their choice.  I really
respect shows that go the extra mile to ensure safety.  It is a step in
the right direction but I, personally, am too paranoid to participate in
such events.
[Posted in FML issue 3430]