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Julie Fossa <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 13 Oct 2001 21:58:40 -0700
text/plain (65 lines)
Good Morning!
Things are quieting down a bit.  We still have hand feedings and meds,
but most of the Utah kids that are still here, are eating on their own.
I'ld like to tell you about a special group: Cage #16.  No names, no
histories.  Just four little boys.  They were selected to go to a special
home that had offered to take the oldest, sickest fur kids.  They looked
like a good fit, and the new family's name was paper clipped to the cage
All close to middle age or older, two of the four, a silver blaze and a
black sable, were skin and bones.  Thin, frail, and in need of fluids and
hand feedings, they would lay in their cage, disinterested in life.  The
sable will need adrenal surgery.  The silver blaze looks like he may be
very early adrenal.
Another of these kids, a Dark Eyed White, carried more weight, but would
crouch on the floor and stare straight ahead.  He would tremble and jerk.
Blood glucose was 68, so he was put on soft food with pred.
It wasn't long, after a lot of fluids, tlc, baby food and AD, these fur
kids started to come into their own!  They started to gain weight.  They
got more active.  They got stronger.  They loved to run and play in the
shelter, and they loved their human.  They have become the most stunning
cage here, now.
Today it is difficult to 'work' in the shelter, due to these four little
boys constantly being under your feet.  (I have one other cage like this,
which I'll tell you about later!) They scuttle about under foot, and if
you look down, your gaze is met by four little (beautiful) heads all
begging for your attention!  Nothing is as special to them as your touch,
your voice, your Ferretone!
They have found out how to play, discovered the joy of Ferrettone, learned
how to beg to be picked up, and found the special love of a human.
These four special little boys are known as Cage 16-1, 16-2, 16-3, and
16-4.  Soon, they will finally go home.  They will get names of their
own again.  But for now, they soak up the love of their shelter mom.
The shelter is still having expenses for meds, special foods, and medical
care for these Utah Rescues.  We have had 6 adrenal surgeries completed
already, and have at least 2 more waiting, possibly 3.  Our vet bill as of
Tuesday, was a little over $600.00, with kids still waiting for surgery.
Many volunteers have helped with their care, and many faithful supporters
have already donated badly needed supplies and funds.  Many others have
given moral support and encouragement.  I thank you all, for it is through
your generosity that massive rescues are possible.  Your gifts are so very
Soon, I'll tell you about little Spaz...
Julie Fossa
West Central Ohio Ferret Shelter
419/ 225-8383
"Just A Place To Hang Your Hammock
 While You're Looking for A Home!"
[Posted in FML issue 3570]