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Sun, 7 Oct 2001 12:11:42 -0500
text/plain (25 lines)
Hello all
Well Rikki had his adreanal surgery on Friday and is doing well.  It was
his left side and the vet said we got it just in time.  He is doing well.
Thanks to Fuzzie Dad for being so GREAT!
We have 2 new ones named Cinnamon and Rocky.  The lady called and said if
you don't come and get them I'm taking them to the pound.  When I got
there to get them the cage they were in had no hammies or anything except
an old t-shirt to lay on at the bottom of the cage along with food
(generic kitten food), litter(pine and generic cat litter), and their
No toys or anything.  I felt very sad but was relieved to get them out of
there you see these 2 were her young sons' responsibility to take care of.
She offered to sell me the cage for $50.00 which is not bad for a big cage
and i was planning on getting it but then i noticed he would run out of
energy.So to the vet we went.  He is anemic and will be on meds for
awhile.  So, I called the lady to tell here that I couldnt get the cage
right now and for whatever reason give her an update on Rocky.  Her
response was that she would keep the cage for me if and when i got the
money.  And appologized for saying "I'm sorry for your problems with his
health."  What nerve but I dont really know what I expected from her.  In
closing i want to appologize for how long this is.
[Posted in FML issue 3564]