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Sat, 24 Nov 2001 21:52:44 EST
Dee Gage <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (88 lines)
Right now I'm watching the most amazing ferret I have ever had in my home.
He gives me Hope... I am overwhelmed.  His name is Othello.
This past August 5 (a Sunday morning), I drove to an obscure area west of
Kalamazoo, Michigan (I live in Grand Rapids), probably 11/2 hours away.  I
had received a call the day before from an acquaintance who had one ferret
she felt she needed to give up and added she was getting two dropped off
to her that evening.  She called later that evening after she received the
two ferrets saying one of them was paralyzed and she would probably put
him down that night because he looked pretty miserable.
When I arrived at her home, Melissa gave me the three ferrets.  She had
not had time to put "Monkey" down Saturday nite.  This guy was a sable
male with a mangy, matted coat, shaved tummy and a vacant look in his
eyes.  The person who turned him over to Melissa had no idea why he was
"paralyzed".... "it's a mystery" he had told her.  I put him in a carrier
by himself and the other two together and off I went in my little black
Miata down a dusty, rutty dirt road on a hot, humid August morning back
to GR (I don't do dirt roads with my Miata).  I had the top up and the air
on because of the weather.  Two of the ferrets were fine but the "Monkey
was stressing so I stopped to get ice for his carrier.
I got home and cleaned them up, concentrating on "Monkey".  What a
pathetic little mess.  I'd never seen such matted fur on a ferret, feces
crusted on his toes and he had extremely poor circulation in his legs and
feet.  Over the next few days, I discovered he was NOT paralyzed because
his legs moved and his tail twitched but his back could not support his
rear end.  X-rays showed no bone damage and he had feeling in his legs and
tail.  It was impossible to ascertain what happened to this little guy but
my vet said he had nerve damage and gave me a 50-50 prognosis.  We aged
him at about 2 years.  He definitely has no arch.  The previous owners
probably kept him confined to his cage after his "mysterious injury".
My son came by and renamed him "Othello" (Shakespeare).  Othello
immediately was fed Duck Soup because he would not eat hard kibble
(Totally Ferret & Zupreem mix).  We progressed to a diet of Bob's Chicken
Gravy.  He would wake up, eat and go back to sleep.  His up time was
about 15 minutes to 1/2 hour.  He has tremendous upper body strength from
dragging himself around for God knows how long.  His rear end twisted on
his side, legs moving but just catching air.
Pooping and peeing has been a challenge.  I haven't figured out if he has
control or not because if he does, he's not using it that I can tell.  I
have a piece of carpeting on the floor of his cage with a newspaper
covering that.  Bedding is changed at least twice during the course of a
day.  If I don't express his bladder, I get a trail to wipe up.
Othello's progress in the almost 4 months he's been with me has been
absolutely outstanding and I am so proud of him.  He's ALWAYS the first
one awake and wanting out as soon I enter the ferret room.  He stands with
his front legs stretched as high as he can with this incredible Look of
Hope on his face.... eyes bright, ears perked... "out, out, out!!!!!
Le'me out, le'me out, le'me out!!!" He scoots around this place like he's
got all four feet going.  He follows me around like a little shadow.  He
absolutely LOVES to have his neck scratched because he can't.  He eats his
dry food now so Bob's Chicken Gravy is back in the freezer.  He's up to
2 lbs. 11 oz.  His energy level has increased so much that his playtime
goes past the usual hour of everyone else here.  He dooks practically all
the while he's out.  The last couple of weeks he's been actually playing
with me, on his back, mouth open.  His legs seem to be getting stronger.
He does bicycle kicks for exercise and I stand him on his back legs; and
now he moves with his haunches under him -- no more rear end on the side.
His back legs are actually helping to propel him.  Today was another
milestone: I keep the toy basket on its side when I let him out hoping
he'll someday go after a toy and hide it.  Today was that "someday".  He
grabbed hold of a white hard rubber squeaky ball that hasn't been used
since Beau died a year ago.  He hasn't gotten the hang of hiding it yet
but that will come, too, I'm sure.
We have our cuddle time when he tires.  I'll lie on the couch and he
stretches across my chest, his head lying against my heart.  I throw
fleece across us both.  His little eyes close, he relaxes and gives one
of those sweet ferret sighs.
Each one of my personals, my fosters and my adoptables have his/her own
sweetness, I admit... but Othello...........
Life is sweet, not to be taken for granted... Othello has made it so.
There is Hope.  Othello has made it so.  I am overwhelmed.
Take care
Nilla (#1)
Hershey, Finnegan, Stone, Wile E. Coyote (my personals 2,3,4,5)
MaryJane, Othello, Topaz (my Forever Fosters)
Misty, Onyx, Ringo, Petey (my Adoptables)
[Posted in FML issue 3612]