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Fri, 2 Nov 2001 18:09:34 -0700
Brett & Melissa Lapham <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
Hello, my name is Jasper and I am a 5 1/2 yr old Sable male.  About a
month ago, my companion Teeka died of Cancer and I have been sad and
lonely ever since.  My humans give me lots and lots of attention, but it
isn't the same as having a ferret friend.  My humans finally decided that
it was time to let me find a new friend to play with, so I hope someone
out there can help me.
Teeka was the only companion I ever had, so I think I would like to find
another little girl.  I am pretty active for my age, but I don't think I
could handle a baby girl, so maybe someone around 2 years or older.... I
like to play chase in my tubes, wrestle around a little and of course
take long snuggly naps.  My humans "ferret proofed" two rooms of their
apartment to run around in, so we would never be caged up.  We get lots of
good food and all the clean cold water we can drink.  Sometimes I think
they are a little skimpy on the treats, but they tell me it isn't good to
snack too much.
The humans speak: Hello, as we have reported in the past, or little Teeka
died of Cancer about a month ago.  Jasper has been handling it fairly
well, but we really think he is lonely.  We play a lot with him, but lets
face it, we can't play with him like another ferret would.... The only
ferret Jasper has lived with has been a female, so we think we better
stick to a girl.  Jasper is pretty active, but at his age, we think a kit
would be a little much, so probably no one younger than 2ish....
Unfortunately we could not take on a ferret with significant health
problems or special needs.  In just the past year, Jasper had adrenal
gland surgery and we battled Teeka's cancer.  Financially, we just
couldn't handle on going problems.  Of course if something un-expected
came up, we would find a way, we always do our best for our fur kids....
We live in Sidney, Montana which is in the NE corner of the State.  We
would be willing to travel a fair distance to pick up our new friend, but
we are not willing to have the little one "shipped."
Thanks for your help,
Brett, Missy and Jasper Lapham
[Posted in FML issue 3590]