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Mon, 8 Oct 2001 21:14:48 EDT
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Just wanted to write a quick note to Sandee.  This is Julie in Savannah,
Ga, and I lost another long time friend this morning.  5 am to be exact.
Gonzo has been real sick, and I noticed his brother giving him extra
special attention last night.  I got him out of the cage and started to
snuggle him.  We layed in the bed at 1 because I wanted him to die with
me.  I woke up at 10 til 5, went outside to have a cigarette, and I said a
prayer.  Please, Lord, take this frail weak body and make him full again.
Let him play in the sunshine, and let him have fun with his friends.
He will be missed terribly.  I let his brother see him after he died, and
he started licking him, and I started to cry.  He will miss his brother
so much.  So will his mommy.  Please Sandee, help him find Cash, Tango,
Cinnie, and Luke.  He will be coming with his favorite blankie, and his
ball.  He will probably be hungry and thirsty, and he refused to do
either, soup, or otherwise.  Please tell him I love him, and I will be
there to get him shortly, along with his brothers and sister.  Also let
him know that his brother is ok.  I know he is one of the reasons he hung
on for so long.  He is fine Gonzo.  Mommy loves you monkey boy.  Be free,
have fun, and enjoy your new life.
Love, Mommy
[Posted in FML issue 3565]