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Sun, 7 Oct 2001 23:10:14 -0400
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Some really good news.  Five of the 38 have gone to a wonderful home where
they'll have tons of love and the best of care.  They were tested for adv
late yesterday and all were negative as I expected them to be.
Most of the group are feeling really good now and it's wonderful to see
all the different personalities coming out.  They're dancing and bouncing
everywhere!  There's a huge group of 31that will play together and it's an
absolute riot to see them checking every inch of every thing.  And each
other.  There's a huge kiddie pool in the playroom that used to be my den,
filled with 120 lbs.  of rice, tubes and toys that they think is the best
thing ever.  A couple of the little girls commandeer the crinkle sack
someone sent and they dare anyone to try to get in. :)  There's beds and
sleep sacks everywhere.  The challenge comes in finding them all when it's
time to put them to bed. :)  There's some loners that need separate out
time but I'm working on that.
There's a few that still don't feel well that need to see the vet this
week.  Pebbles, a pretty little sable, has a grade 3 heart murmur, very
lethargic.  Jack, the old guy, decided he likes my soup but he's still in
pretty bad shape.  Casper, a big albino boy, has finally started feeling
better but he's not happy with other ferrets.  I've tried him with Luke a
few times, no fighting but they both deliberately avoid each other and
startle themselves when they come face to face, each takes off in opposite
directions. :)  I hope in a few more tries, they'll decide to like each
other.  Genny, a little sable with a tail tumor isn't feeling well and a
couple of the big, old, boys.
Then there's the "spice" girls.  8 tiny, chocolate females that I still
can't tell apart because they keep moving on me.  Or is it 7?  LOL
Coccidia is over and thanks to very careful precautions of dear friends,
none of the shelter or personal kids gotten it.  A couple did get uri's
but they're all over it.  One of my Swedish guys who had surgery a couple
of months ago has turned orange...I hoped it was a reaction to Vitamin
B & C I had put in everyone's water but I'm not sure yet.
We're in good shape now with basic supplies like bowls, bottles and
bedding, thanks to so many of you!  I think we're ok on food for about a
month or so thanks to Totally Ferret, The Ferret Store, Path Valley and
Kristine.  I've bought a few other brands of food trying to get some of
the guys to eat better.  There's 12 adv test kits coming later in the week
but we still need 9 more.  I prefer not to test anymore until I can test
them all at the same time.  Litter is still needed.  Desperately. :)   21
litter pans for these guys takes a lot of litter and no luck getting wood
stove chips here.
I do hope once these kids are tested and prove to be negative, there will
be offers of forever homes for them.  They are all so darn sweet, love
attention and seem very grateful to have TLC and belly tickles.  It's been
and is a lot of work but so very rewarding to see them dancing as a ferret
It's still a shame the woman in MO refuses to release the results of her
ADV test to my vet, whether it was positive or negative.  How someone can
say they love ferrets then allow so many to be deprived of going on the
loving homes, I don't understand.  I hope she realizes the heartache of 3
shelters closing, future ferrets in need we can't take in, a private home
that's living in fear and so many ferrets who would love to have someone
cuddle them more than a shelter has the time to give individually.  She
knew she was waiting for test results, didn't tell us and yet allowed all
these ferrets to come into her home.
The expense so far has been incredible and I certainly couldn't have done
anything without donations from you, the fml membership.  There's so many
I owe a big thank you to and it will be coming.  There's not enough time
yet to do all I'd like to but I definitely haven't forgotten you.  In the
meantime, THANK YOU!!
Donations for vet care and medical supplies will be ongoing until we can
get these sweeties into homes.  Donations can be sent either to my vet,
SOS, or to me.
Jackie Hawley
The Dook Nook Ferret Rescue & Shelter
5226 Collins Road
Jacksonville, FL 32244
or PayPal: [log in to unmask]
Riverside Animal Hospital
2641 Park Street
Jacksonville, FL  32204
Judith White
1236 Belfield Avenue
Drexel Hill, PA  19026-4211
Or PayPal: [log in to unmask]
Best wishes to all in this very troubling time in our world.  Hugging
fuzzies sure helps ease the heart.
[Posted in FML issue 3564]