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Tue, 4 Sep 2001 00:05:21 -0400
Ferrets Unlimited Ferret Shelter <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (37 lines)
Ok, I promise, last one.
I want to publicly thank Jeff & Lana from NOFA for the photo contest.  To
be honest when I first saw the subject in the FML, I was elated, "Thank God
there is another shelter in the area!", then I got mad, "Why didn't they
call me?  I could have helped them, I have three turn ins that need
somewhere quiet!", then I read it and felt about as small as I could.
Kat and Tom helped at the Buckeye Bash, and helped me keep my sanity.  And
Kat mad the MOST BEAUTIFUL afghan.  She crocheted the name of the shelter
in it, and it is perfectly proportioned, and the colors go with my living
room!!  Everyone who sees it says how beautiful it is, and when it lays on
the couch, the couch is black, afghan center area white with white
lettering) you see the lettering really well.  Oh, it is too cool!!  And
so well made!!
Ron and Sonny, I don't know what I'd do without them.  Sonny made three
gorgeous clocks with ferrets for the shelter's table, and Ron sewed his
little fingers off.  I wish I had Ron's energy and love of life.  Ron is
a ferret in human form.  They also helped take care of the table, and keep
me in line.
I have a tendency to open mouth and insert foot.  You know, say something
with out thinking it through on how it will sound to others and then
realize what you said wasn't what you meant, it just came out screwed up.
I'd say brain farts, but that isn't it, more like when you hard drive goes
off and pulls up gibberish.
Hug all the fur angels for me.  Oh, and extra treats, please.
Ferrets Unlimited Ferret Shelter
Cleveland, Ohio
Non Profit, 501 (c) (3)
[Posted in FML issue 3530]